Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community

2020 Community Events Calendar

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October 6 - National Night Out
What a year full of challenges it’s been! So many events cancelled or moved virtual. National Night Out has been the Settlement’s big gathering of the year but with the rules in place for COVID-19 we’re changing it up this year. Get ready to go back in time! We’re going old school and doing a safe, fun and retro National Night Out this year! The event started in with neighbors simply turning on their porch lights and sitting outside. Folks would walk around and talk to each other as they were able and got to know each other. So to keep things safe and fun we’ll turn back the clock this year!

Starting at 6pm on Oct 6th, turn on those porch lights and have a seat outside. If you’re feeling adventurous, take a stroll down the streets and meet your fellow Williamsburg Settlement neighbors. Socially distancing to help stay safe of course! We can still make National Night Out 2020 something we all remember and look back on fondly.

We look forward to a great event!


Your Williamsburg Settlement Board
Williamsburg Settlement Events: Fall Garage Sale - Update
Fall is coming! This usually brings cooler weather and our fall neighborhood garage sale with many hidden treasures up for grabs. Unfortunately this year COVID-19 has made it a challenge for neighborhood events to happen. The fall neighborhood garage sale is yet another victim of the current pandemic and will not be taking place. However, this does not mean residents are prohibited from having a garage sale on their own time.


A reminder of some garage sale guidelines:

· Signs can be placed in the neighborhood for a garage sale

· Signs cannot be placed on stop signs, trees near the entrances or the entrance monuments

· All signs must be taken up once a garage sale is finished


When a garage sale is held please be aware of the potential for increased traffic. Whether you’re driving around or taking a leisurely stroll please be aware of additional cars and pedestrians in the neighborhood. Remember to be considerate of your fellow neighbors and kindly help prevent parking in front of other’s driveways.


It is the board’s sincere hope things are back to a more normal state and the Spring 2021 neighborhood garage sale will be able to happen.



Your Williamsburg Settlement Board
National Night Out
Fall Garage Sale
Christmas Lights Challenge
Christmas Lights Challenge