Flags Across America It is a great program where you can have an American Flag flown in front of your house during seven U.S. holidays. The flag is 3-foot by 5-foot mounted on a 10-foot pole. For a yearly subscription of $35 flags will be installed, put up, taken down, and stored for you between holidays. Everything is taken care of and you get to enjoy and proudly display the flag.  All proceeds go directly to scouting and support its purpose of preparing young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. 

This program is offered by the two BSA Scout troops below:
As we have a lot of new residents many may be unfamiliar with some of the practices which contribute to maintaining the ambiance of our neighborhood. So perhaps a reminder may be in order that the posting of notices such as those advertising garage sales or lost or found pets etc. is not permitted on street signs, stop signs or streetlamps. As well as often leaving the remains of tape and other residue on these signs, these notices detract from the aesthetics of our subdivision and moreover they are in violation of Texas law. Any signs found posted illegally may be removed and you could also receive a citation! If you need to put up a sign, please make sure that you put it on its own stake or frame and respect resident property rights. Any resident who observes illegally posted notices on traffic signs or street lights is encouraged to remove them.

If you need to inform other residents of lost or found pets the most effective method now is a Facebook posting. There are currently more members subscribed to the Settlement group than there are homes! That is a lot of eyes covering all parts of the subdivision so a posting on this Facebook group will have the highest chance of success.

Your cooperation in keeping our subdivision looking great will be appreciated by all. 


Board Notices
Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community
A Request to Dog Walkers 

Although most dog owners do abide by the Harris County leash laws, regrettably some owners do not. The biggest problem about which the Board receives regular complaints remains owners who let their dogs out without any supervision at all. However, there are others who, although not letting their dogs out alone, will let them run free without adequate supervision while walking them around the subdivision. This is a major cause for concern to other dog owners who are walking their animals on a leash, only to have them aggressively approached by these unleashed dogs. And, of course, we have the unending complaints of owners failing to pick up after their dogs. This is a problem all along the dog walking routes, but seems to be particularly bad on corner lots. So, once again, those owners who do have dogs are asked to PLEASE be responsible and show respect for your neighbors. Thanks for your cooperation.
Taking Care of Your Grass
Here are a couple of excellent articles on this subject from folks who should know - Texas A&M!. 
Maintaining St.Augustine Grass Lawns
Take-all root rot of turfgrass
Parking on Subdivision Streets 
Concern continues to be expressed by residents regarding the many vehicles that are parked on the streets throughout our subdivision. This seems to be a problem which is getting worse despite earlier request in the newsletter and on this web site for residents to be sensitive to the inconvenience to their neighbors and the possible danger that can arise from this practice. The inconvenience includes such issues as making it more difficult for your neighbors to get in and out of their driveways and for the mail delivery personnel to access mailboxes. Cases were cited in which mail was not delivered for this reason. But the more important issue is the obstruction that is caused especially when cars and trucks are parked on opposite sides of the streets restricting passage of large vehicles, of which school buses and fire trucks are examples. There is also a real concern about the danger that cars parked on the streets can cause to children who may not be sufficiently mature to exercise the required caution around parked vehicles.

In addition to residents who just leave their vehicles parked in the street in the evenings, rather than moving them into their driveways, there are some cases in which vehicles are so parked for extended periods. As a reminder, Article 18 of our deed restrictions addresses this by stating in part “No auto, truck, boat, boat rigging, camper, motor home, mobile home, or other trailer, vehicle or equipment of any kind shall ever he left parked on any street right-of-way adjacent to any lot or in any driveway on any lot, except for temporary parking incident to the contemporaneous use of such vehicle or equipment.” Residents who ignore this requirement can expect to receive deed restriction violation letters.

But the answer to this problem is for residents to show concern for their neighbors by not leaving vehicles on the street for extended periods and, whenever possible, parking on their driveway. In cases where this is not possible, then care should be taken to avoid parking across from another vehicle such that the thoroughfare is obstructed.

Please be sensitive to this issue and help maintain our well deserved reputation for being a great place to live. Thanks!
Discarded Trash in our Recreation Area and Neighborhood
Parking on Subdivision Streets
Taking Care of Your Grass
A Request to Dog Walkers
Street Repairs
Driveway Repairs
To report a burned out street light, any resident may call CenterPoint directly at 713-207-2222. However, you may also make this report on-line. The website address to do this is http://cnp.centerpointenergy.com/outage. Then enter your contact details so that they can get back to you if more information is required. This interactive site allows you to enter the details of the light(s) with the problem. Just as you would if reporting the outage via the telephone, you will need to provide the street address where the light is located and the 6-digit number that is prominently displayed on the front of the pole. However, you can access a map on the site which gives this  information for every street light. Under normal circumstances the crew will be out to fix the problem within 7 working days.

Anyone noticing a streetlight that is out or has some other malfunction is encouraged to report the problem to CenterPoint via either of these two methods without delay. Our Association is charged for every street light each month irrespective of whether or not the light is functioning. So please help us get value for your hard earned money!

Procedure to Report Street Light Outages 
Procedure to Report Street Light Outages
Maintenance Responsibility for Shared Fences 
One question that is frequently asked by residents is in regard to the responsibility for fences between adjoining homes. This issue in not addressed in the Deed Restrictions so how it is handled becomes a matter of precedent. Most homeowners discuss it between themselves and come to an agreement on how to share the cost of repairing or replacing such a fence. The most usual approach is to split the cost on a 50:50 basis. This seems the most equitable and “good neighborly” approach. In some cases the homeowner who has the “good side” of the fence – i.e. that with no posts or cross members showing will pay 70 percent, but this is probably a minority situation. If one neighbor simply refuses to contribute to the cost, then it can become a legal issue and may come down to the position of the fence relative to the lot boundaries as shown on a homeowner’s Lot Survey. However, the Board is not aware of such a dispute ever reaching this stage. As both homes benefit from a fence then the homeowners in the vast majority of cases are prepared to share the cost equitably.

But don’t forget that a fence replacement project requires Board approval of an External Modification Request.  Also, please don’t forget that all such fences must use cedar or Cypress pickets. Treated pine is not an acceptable substitute.
Maintenance Responsibility for Shared fences
Street Repairs

Some residents have raised questions regarding the condition of the streets within our subdivision asking where the responsibility lies for rectifying such problems as potholes and crumbling concrete around manhole covers and storm drains. The answer is that the streets belong to the County and therefore the County is responsible for funding and carrying out any required repairs. Residents are encouraged to bring specific problems to the attention of the Harris County Precinct 4 office, the telephone number for which is 832-927-4444.

This telephone number is also listed on the “Telephone Numbers” page of this web site.
Although there are many advantages of living in a mature subdivision with so many beautiful trees in our yards, there is, however, one particular disadvantage. That is the fact that after a number of years the same trees that give us so much pleasure also cause us problems when they are close to foundations, paths or driveways. As the roots grow and expand they can cause cracks and often raise large slabs of concrete many inches. The results of this effect can be seen on many of the homes in our subdivision and is becoming a cause for concern. Owners of homes with such problems might want to begin thinking (and budgeting!) for repairs that will inevitably be required to their properties to address such problems.
Driveway Repairs 

After performing yard work sweep up all yard debris and place in bags for garbage pick-up, rather than hosing down or blowing the debris into the street.
After the cessation of storm or wind events, promptly sweep all yard debris into bags.
Cover piles of dirt and mulch being used in landscaping projects to prevent those pollutants from blowing into the street.
Do not over water your lawn. Overwatering causes water to drain into the street carrying loose yard debris along with the water.
Instruct all employees or persons performing yard services on your behalf on the proper disposal of yard debris, and particularly, instruct them to not blow yard debris into the street storm sewer drains. Residents are responsible for the actions of those workers.
Proper Disposal of Yard Waste and Clippings
Proper Disposal of Yard Waste and Clippings
End of Page
In response to complaints raised by some residents, a few years ago the Board took up the issue of loose cats in the subdivision. To collect facts and the opinions of a wider sample of residents on the extent of the perceived problem an email was sent out to all registered residents. Thirty Eight responses were received. Of these fourteen believed we have a problem and favor the Board taking action, such as trapping, to remove them; fourteen were opposed to trapping - many believing that the cats are useful in keeping vermin down; and ten replies were informational in nature.

Marianne Hays, the Harris County Public Health and Environmental Services (HCPHES) Field Operations Manager who was consulted on the subject emphasized that The Harris County Leash Law precludes the use of Trap/Neuter/Return programs favored by organizations such as Alley Cat Allies to control the feral cat population and anyone who releases a cat in Harris County is subject to prosecution. As stated in the Regulations              brochure published by HCPHES “The occupant/head of household of any premises on which a dog or cat customarily returns for a period of 7 days is presumed to be the owner of that animal”. This person is required to license and vaccinate the animal and house it in accordance with the provisions of the Leash Law. The preferred approach to handling loose cats is to catch and remove them using traps which HCPHES will loan to residents. There is no cost for providing the traps and subsequently collecting a trapped animal. Alternatively a person with a trapped cat can, for a fee, have the SPCA pick it up. No distinction is made between feral or loose domestic cats. If a cat is roaming free outdoors it can be caught in a baited trap by any resident. No license or permit is required. If a resident is known to be persistently harboring cats the resident can be reported to HCPHES which will have an officer visit that residence to explain the full implications of the law to them. If the resident ignores the warning and persist in harboring the animals they will be issued a citation. 

As is evident from the email responses this is a very divisive issue with roughly half of our residents wanting the Board to take some action to reduce the loose cat population and the other half opposing it. The Board has therefore decided that rather than hiring a contractor to trap the loose cats as was originally envisaged, the residents who want the cats removed should take responsibility for initiating the action. Thus those residents who perceive a loose cat situation to be a problem should contact Crest with specific information, and if possible, photographic documentation.Crest will then send a letter to the violator’s residence asking that he or she either restrain the pet(s), or if feral, that they stop harboring them. If the resident who made the report lets Crest know that the violation persists, Crest will refer the violator to HCPHES which will send an officer to the residence and begin the process that could end in a citation being issued. Alternatively the complaining resident can request a trap from HCPHES and take direct action to remove the animals themselves.

Those residents who are allowing their cats to roam the subdivision and/or are feeding feral cats are asked to respect the rights of their neighbors and to comply with the provisions of the Harris County Leash Law. To do otherwise could result in the loss of a pet or to face unpleasant legal consequences. Your cooperation will be appreciated.
Loose Cats
Loose Cats
Rules for Blanket Approval of Yard Signs
As stated in ARTICLE 17 of the Deed Restrictions, 

“The owner of a lot shall be entitled to display one sign thereon from time to time for purposes of selling or renting the property; provided, that each face of such sign shall be rectangular in shape and shall not exceed five (5) square feet in surface area, and that the content of such sign be limited to the words "For Sale" or "For Rent", the name and telephone number of the seller or real estate agent, and the words "Shown by Appointment Only". No other sign, advertisement, billboard or advertising structure of any kind may be erected or maintained within sub-division boundaries or within the right-of-way of any street bordering the aforenamed subdivision without first having obtained the consent in writing of the Board of Directors of the hereinafter named Association. Said Board of Directors shall have the right to remove any unpermitted sign, advertisement, billboard or structure which is erected or placed on any lot or adjacent easement or right-of-way without such consent, and in so doing, shall not be subject to any liability for trespass or other tort in connection therewith.”

Recognizing that many homeowners do in fact display signs which are in violation of the above restriction without applying for Board approval, this section expands on ARTICLE 17 to define the type, size and placement of signs as defined below for which the Board is prepared to grant blanket approval.

Rules for Blanket Approval of Yard Signs
Early Morning Noise
Early Morning Noise
Your cooperation is requested in being sensitive to the fact that not every resident is awake and up early in the morning. For these people, early morning grass cutting, tree trimming roof replacement as well as noisy use of, or work on, motorcycles, cars or boats and other like activities by their neighbors or the contractors hired by them can be very disturbing. This is particularly annoying on weekends. To avoid a nuisance to your neighbors, please refrain from beginning such noisy activities before 8:00 am. Thanks!
Posting of Notices on Street Lights and Traffic Signs
Posting of Notices on Street Lights and Traffic Signs
Anyone who takes down pickets from the perimeter fence is required to replace those that have been removed with new cedar pickets using treated wood screws or best industry practice materials (aluminum ring-shank nails, etc.) to attach to the 2x4s.  If the 2”x4”s are damaged then these should be replaced with new treated pine 2”x4”s. The top rail should be 2”x6” cedar and the bottom rot board should be 2”X6” treated pine.

The use of treated pine pickets on the perimeter fence is prohibited as these warp in the sun and the Board has found that when the old pickets are taken down, especially those that are nailed rather than screwed, the pickets split, break off edges and are for the most part un-fit to for re-use.

We would appreciate the cooperation of all residents whose property borders the fence line to pass this requirement along to any contractors which may at any time need to temporarily remove pickets from the perimeter fence to perform work in their rear yard.
Perimeter Fence Picket Removal 
Perimeter Fence Picket Removal
Discarded Trash in our Recreation Area and Neighborhood-
In addition to beer cans in our recreation area there are a lot of other items that are being discarded detracting from the quality of our facilities. These include such things as soft drink cans, water bottles, food wrappers, tennis ball containers old tennis balls and the like. The Association does not employ anyone to clear up this junk so users of our facilities are strongly requested to discard such material in the trash cans provided.  In the tennis courts there are small trash containers for this purpose. But at the end of the games when players leave they it would be helpful if they would empty these containers, putting the recyclable material into the large wheeled container outside the tennis court gate and the rest into the large fixed trash can near the playground opposite the gate. This one is serviced by our landscapers. Sponsors of the tennis leagues are reminded that, as defined in their signed league agreements. it is their responsibility to ensure that all trash is removed prior to their departure from the courts.

Our recreation area is not the only place where trash is being discarded. In walking around the subdivision trash can be seen alongside the streets, on people’s yards, including “decorating” our foliage at the entrance esplanades. This does not enhance our experience in living in this great subdivision nor add to its attraction to potential purchasers. PLEASE let’s all work together to maintain the attractiveness of our neighborhood. Thanks!
Golf Carts
Use of Golf Carts on Subdivision Streets
From time to time questions are asked regarding the use of golf carts on the streets within our subdivision. The answer that was given to us some years ago by the Chief Prosecutor of the Harris County D.A's office, was that such use was illegal based on the Settlement not falling under the definition of being a Master Planned Community as required under the Texas Transportation Code

However, a legal opinion to address the authority to operate a golf cart under section 551.403 of the Transportation Code signed by Greg Abbot in 2012 when he was the Texas Attorney General, explored what constitutes a Master Planned Community. It seems that there is no precise legal definition in the Texas statutes but the opinion cites a Supreme Court of Texas decision on another matter which can be interpreted as including subdivisions such as the Settlement in this classification. This being the case, as stated in the Summary on page 4:

A person IS operating a golf cart legally for purposes of section 551.403 of the Texas Transportation Code if a person is operating a golf cart within the parameters of subsection (a)( 1), (a)(2), or (a)(3) of that section.” 

The operative subsection is (a)(1) which refers to their use in a Master Planned Community. 

Subsection (a)(3) which refers to golf cart use on a highway would not be relevant in the Settlement as there isn’t a golf course that could be reached within the specified two miles. This is stated in the second paragraph of the Summary:

Subsection 551.403(a)(3) of the Transportation Code allows operation of a golf cart on a public highway only if, among other requirements, the golf cart is operated not more than two miles from the location where the golf cart is usually parked and is operated only for the purpose of transportation to or from a golf course.”

A resident who intends to drive a golf cart or other unique vehicle on this subdivision should read both the above legal opinion and the other two documents below in their entirety as they contain multiple requirements which must be met for legal operation of these vehicles in our subdivision.

Operational Restrictions and Requirements for Off-Highway Vehicles

Enforcement Guide for Neighborhood Electric Vehicles, Golf Carts, and Other Small Motorized Vehicles

The above information was supplied by Scott Hewitt, Sergeant, Texas Highway Patrol State Crash Reconstruction Team on July 11, 2022.

Late Night Noise
Late Night Noise
One of the benefits of living in our area is that it affords us the opportunity to spend evenings outside on our patios and, for those who have them, around our pools. However, there is a downside in that our homes are close together and many of our neighbors leave early for work and turn in for the evening after the 10:00 PM news! The issue is the level of noise, both from music and loud conversation and laughter that sometimes accompany such outdoor activities. No one wants to curb the pleasure of those enjoying the good company of friends on warm summer evenings, but for the sake of your neighbors, when engaged in such activities please give a little thought as to whether the noise level might be disturbing the sleep of those who live close by. Your neighbors would really appreciate the consideration you would be showing them by keeping the noise level low. Many thanks for your cooperation.
Barking Dogs
Barking Dogs
Barking dogs are an annoyance to many residents. When new to the neighborhood and left outside it is not unusual for dogs to be somewhat distressed and to bark until they become more familiar with their surroundings. But it seems some are slow learners! And when there are multiple dogs left outside at a residence, or when dogs are within barking distance of others, the noise can become a real problem for those living close by. This is particularly so when it occurs at night often in response a dog’s territory being invaded by a loose cat or a wild animal. But it can be equally disturbing during the day especially for residents with babies who need to sleep. So if you are a dog owner please be sensitive to the fact that some of your neighbors might not be as tolerant of your barking dog as you are and if your dog is one of the offenders please give some thought as to what steps you might take to minimize the distress being caused to your neighbors. Thanks.
All signs shall be professionally made and shall be rectangular in shape and shall not exceed 5 (five) square feet in surface area. An exception to the rectangular requirement will be made for School Spirit signs which it is recognized are often of irregular shape.
Other than temporary election signs mentioned below, no signs other than those advertising the sale or rental of the property will be permitted within 15’ (fifteen feet) from the curb
Small signs provided by a security company that advertise that the home is protected by a monitored alarm system are approved.
Contractor signs are allowed for no more than 30 (thirty) days unless prior approval is granted and must be placed no further than 15’ (fifteen feet) from front of home. They must be moved no more than 10 (ten) days after work is completed.
Garage Sale signs shall be removed on the same day that the sale ends. Posting of these signs is not permitted on street signs, stop signs or streetlamps.
There is a preference that religious and political signs not be displayed. However, as an owner may feel very strongly about these subjects and wish to express their views with a sign or flag, such items will be permitted provided that in the judgment of the Board they are in good taste, respectful and are not likely to be considered offensive to other residents.
Signs which are part of holiday decorations are approved
At election time, signs promoting candidates and propositions are allowed by State law for defined periods of time before and after an election. Note that State Law takes precedence over deed restrictions.
All signs and flags must be maintained in good condition.







In all cases, the Board has final approval of any sign or flag and the interpretation and enforcement of these guidelines and has the authority to remove any such item that in its view is not compliant.
Residents are asked to take care not to allow yard debris and clippings to enter the storm sewer drainage system as this can be a contributing factor to street flooding during a heavy storm event.

The following steps can be taken by homeowners to reduce the amount of debris that enters the system:





The notice goes on to remind residents that although voluntary compliance is the goal offenders can be subject to significant financial penalties. Please be sensitive to the problem that improper handling of yard debris can cause and help minimize future street flooding. 
Flags Across America
Flags Across America
Mildew and Mailboxes
As our homes age the upkeep that comes in maintaining their beauty - paint, yard work, repairing, replacing etc. seems at times to never end.

Two of the most noticeable areas homeowners bring to our attention are mildew and mailboxes. 

Mildew - a common issue within our neighborhood is a problem that can be easily remedied by either power washing or applying a product called “Spray & Forget” found at most local hardware stores and which can easily be applied with a garden sprayer. For small areas it also comes in a spray bottle. Or there is also the old fashion way using a brush, bleach, and hose!

The removal of mildew from any area of your home will go a long way towards restoring its overall clean appearance and that of our neighborhood.

Mailboxes/Posts – The curb appearance of a home is one of the first things many notice while enjoying their walks, jogs, biking or when looking at a home with a possible intent to purchase - and themailbox and its supporting post are a major factor in this,

Many things affect the appearances of our mailboxes such as the weather, wear and tear, etc.. We expect them to last and last - but they don’t. A mailbox is just not for mail it also plays an important part in the curb appearance for our home.

To help improve the appearance of your mailbox and its post, look to see if they may need a little TLC – clean, paint, repair, replace, straighten, missing numbers - all easy fixes with just a little time, effort, not that costly compared to the final results.

Your HOA would like to ask all our residents, the next time you walk in your yard and go to collect your mail, give both your home and mailbox a good looking over, if you notice that one of these areas needs a little attention take that next step you will be amazed at the end result.

Thanks for your help in maintaining the beauty of the Settlement and have a Great Summer! 
Mildew and Mailboxes!
Loud Noises
Loud Noises
Nextdoor Article by Lieutenant Donald Wine from Harris County Sheriff's Office:

I wanted to post something on different noise issues, such as loud music, barking dogs, and loud vehicles. We all have experienced the barking-all-night dog at some point or another when living in a subdivision with our houses close together. 

Harris County does not have a noise ordinance, as many of the municipalities in our area do. Noise ordinances can specifically target an offense, such as loud music from a vehicle, where if an officer hears it, they may issue a citation. 

Harris County Sheriff's Office deputies follow the Texas Penal Code, section 42.01, section (a) 5, Disorderly Conduct. “A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly: (5) makes unreasonable noise in a public place other than a sport shooting range, as defined by Section 250.001, Local Government Code, or in or near a private residence that he has no right to occupy…” 

In the past, we’ve relied on section 42.01(c) (2), “a noise is presumed to be unreasonable if the noise exceeds a decibel level of 85 after the person making the noise receives notice from a magistrate or peace officer that the noise is a public nuisance.” Generally, on a loud noise call if the audiometer didn’t peg a minimum of 85dB, we felt there was little we could do but ask the offending party to turn down or stop whatever it is making the noise. 

However, the Texas 14th Court of Appeals tells us that’s not the case. The court heard the appeal of a person arrested for disorderly conduct. That person appealed, stating the statute was “vague” and the police couldn’t prove the 85 dB presumptive standard. The court disagreed and cited the “reasonable person” standard; “the test is whether the conduct is compatible with the normal activity of a specific place at a specific time”. 

This is good news for you, and for the responding peace officers. We may issue a citation to the offender, and it would be his responsibility to bring up any disputes at court, assuming he wishes to fight the charge. If the noise is "unreasonable" in the opinion of the responding peace officer, a citation may be issued. 

What about barking dogs? Again, with the lack of an actual ordinance we (the police) rely on the Disorderly Conduct statute. We can issue a citation directly or you can go to the local Justice of the Peace and file a complaint. In either case ask the responding deputy for the case number he used for his report and take that to the court clerk. The dogs’ owner will be summoned into court and the judge will decide on what punishment is appropriate. If you have to resort to calling law enforcement, make sure and document all calls made, to include the date and time, and the officer’s name, and a call slip number as well. Document the barking by recording it and note the time and date it is occurring. This is all evidence you can use against the owner in court. 

Finally I want to address loud mufflers on vehicles. Years ago I was a night shift patrol deputy and I used to get constant complaints about a motorcycle that was REALLY loud. I stopped the driver and after giving him a verbal warning he complied and stopped using that bike. This falls under the Texas Transportation Code, Sec. 547.604. Muffler Required: 

(a) A motor vehicle shall be equipped with a muffler in good working condition that continually operates to prevent excessive or unusual noise. 
(b) A person may not use a muffler cutout, bypass, or similar device on a motor vehicle. 

The violation we see most under this section is a loud muffler. If the muffler is loud, harsh, and seems "unreasonable" to the peace officer we may issue a citation. The courts will typically dismiss the citation if the violator corrects the problem by having the muffler removed and replaced with a normal muffler. 

I hope these topics have answered your questions about these issues, and please feel free to message me if you have a topic you would like me to address. 

Remember, “It’s a jungle out there” (I loved Hill Street Blues) 

Stay Safe, 

Sergeant Donald Wine
For those who are sometimes taken by surprise when the invoice for the annual Association maintenance fee arrives and wonder how on earth they are going to be able to scrape sufficient money together to be able to pay it by the January 1st due date, there are two options: a Payment Agreement and Pre-Payment.

The most frequently used option is to enter into a Payment Agreement. As described in our Collection Policy, you have the legal right to spread your payments over the number of months you select up to a maximum of 18. But having an unpaid balance at the time of the fee for the NEXT year becomes due is, for obvious reasons, highly discouraged. Crest does charge a fee for managing a Payment Agreement and interest is levied on the outstanding balance. And as you are not in good standing with the Association while there is still a balance, use of the pool or rental of the clubhouse for private parties will not be possible. However, while a Payment Agreement is in force there will be no legal action taken to collect on this debt. This saves you substantial legal fees which could run to thousands of dollars, and if the fee remains unpaid the end result could be the devastating foreclosure on your home. Nobody wants that!

There is another option to a Payment Plan; one that doesn’t cost you anything and preserves your good standing with the Association. This is to pre-pay your maintenance fees. Although for the first year it might be a stretch, Crest will accept a series of payments of whatever value and intervals you can handle.

There are three ways to make the pre-pay payments:

    • Pay by mailing a check to the Crest office
    • Online payment via the Crest website with the payment charged to your credit card. This is        not the best option as the bank charges 2.9% of the amount paid.
    • Online payment via the Crest website paying by echeck. Here you give your bank’s routing        and your bank account numbers and the money is directly debited from your account.               The bank charge for this is just $1.95 per transaction so this is the most economical                 method for online payments.

For those who may have difficulty with budgeting for a single payment at year end, the pre-payment approach has many advantages. Timely payment of the annual fees helps keep the Association costs low for everyone. We encourage everyone to find the best payment option for their situation.
Maintenance Fee Payment Options
Maintenance Fee  Payment Options
Pool Safety Breaks Have Replaced Adult Swim Periods
In order to comply with the requirements of the Fair Housing Act, during the summer of 2017 A-Beautiful made a procedural change replacing Adult Swim periods with 10 minute Safety Breaks.

It is recognized that some senior residents may be disappointed to lose the Adult Swim periods. However, making the pool available for a group of residents based on their age has been viewed by the Courts as discriminatory.

 The need for safely breaks and the rational for why they now replace the former adult swim periods are addressed in the following two documents:
Reason for Removal of Adult Swim Periods
Safety Break Procedure
Pool Safety Breaks Have Replaced Adult Swim Periods
Conduct While on Association Property
There have been complaints from homeowners whose properties are close to our recreational facilities of disruptive and annoying behavior. This has included playing loud music and repeated use of profanities.

This behavior is unacceptable and is in violation of ARTICLE 9 of our deed restrictions and specifically called out as being prohibited in the posted tennis court rules, which are equally applicable to the basketball court.

The Board is pleased that our residents are making good use of our recreational facilities but requests that those enjoying their use exercise good sportsmanship and refrain from using profanities and behavior that is disruptive to residents. Thanks!
Conduct While on Association Property
National Flood Insurance Program
Hurricane season is just around the corner and FEMA would like to encourage all homeowners and renters to purchase flood insurance. After the devastation of Harvey it was discovered that 80% of the damaged properties did not have flood insurance.

Here are some links that FEMA has asked us to share with you:



 (preparing for an emergency)

Most of us were lucky and unaffected last time - but it would be folly to believe that we are immune to such disasters.
National Flood Insurance Program
A Request to Evening Walkers
A Request To Evening Walkers
Although this is a great subdivision it does have the drawback that we don’t have sidewalks. This can make walking after the sun has gone down a hazardous activity if not handled with care as passing vehicles may have difficulty in seeing you. The best way to make yourself more visible and avoid a tragic accident is to wear light reflecting clothing. And if walking a dog, please keep the dog on a tight leash and between you and the curb. It is also important to be aware of the Texas Transportation code 552.006 which requires pedestrians to walk on the left side of the road facing the oncoming traffic.

And of course, we ask drivers to be especially careful at night to drive slowly and be on the lookout for any pedestrians and their animals. No one wants to be involved in an accident so please take care on our streets. Thanks!

Justice and Jackson Wegener, scouts in BSA Troop 320 who can be contacted by texting or calling Jason Wegener at (281) 381-9941

Hank Mitchell of BSA Troop 925 who can be contacted by emailing Kendal Mitchell at [email protected].
Texas Legislature 87 Session - Senate Bill 1588
A-Beautiful Now Hiring Lifeguards
A-Beautiful Pools Inc, Hiring Lifeguards
Licence Plate Readers at Entrances
ABP is hiring for lifeguarding positions AT and AROUND our community! Is your teen or young adult interested in making money, learning new skills and filling their time? Apply online www.a-beautifulpools.com or call 281.376.6510 for more information!