Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community

SEPTEMBER 22, 2020
​A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at 5:30 P.M. at Crest Management Company, 17171 Park Row, Suite 310, Houston, TX 77084.


Board Members present were CO Holt, Dave Ellis, Jim Calvert, Michael Wood, James Kelley, Bill Petry and Chris Cox.

Also, in attendance was Cindy Bojé representing Crest Management.

With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 P.M. 


The minutes of the August 18, 2020 Annual Meeting were presented, and a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried to accept the minutes without change.


There were no homeowners in attendance at this month’s meeting. 


A copy of the welcoming committee report was provided in the Board packets. Michael Wood stated that the committee was doing a great job and that the response from new homeowners has been positive.  


Big Room Lighting Project Status - Chris Cox stated that the prior approved proposal from Donald Electric would be reviewed to verify that it has sufficient illumination for the room requirements. Chris stated he would follow-up with Donald Electric regarding the contact information for the contractor who would confirm if the clubhouse beams are structural or decorative. Chris will update the Board as more information becomes available. 


Approval of Crest Management Contract Renewal – A copy of the contract was provided in the Board packets. Dave Ellis discussed the 2021 Crest contract renewal pointing out its minor changes from 2020. After a brief discussion, a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried to approve the contract renewal at $2,500.00 per month. This is a $50.00 per month increase from 2020.

Consideration of a Board Code of Conduct Policy – Per the management contract, the Board drafted a Board Code of Conduct Policy for all Board members to adhere by. A copy of the policy was provided in the Board packets. After a brief discussion, a motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the policy as written. 

Approval of Texas Lawn Care Landscaping Contract Renewal – A copy of the contract was provided in the Board packets. Dave Ellis and Bill Petry stated that the contract is identical with that for 2020 and the price did not increase. After a brief discussion, a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried to approve the 2021 contract renewal at $29,266.50 annually. 

Finalize and Approve the 2021 Budget - Dave Ellis reviewed the proposed 2021 budget with the Board. He explained that to prepare the draft he had sought input from the Board members who have responsibility for each area of our expenditures and from Crest personnel for the administrative costs. He also presented the 2021 update to the reserve fund study pointing out that it includes the re-plastering of our pool in 2021, and requested, and was given, Board approval for this project to proceed.

Establish Assessment for 2021 Maintenance Fee - After review and discussion, the 2021 proposed budget and reserve study update were approved. The 2021 assessment rate will remain at $750. Assessment notices will be mailed out on November 9, 2020.

Decision on 2020 National Night Out – Chris Cox stated that due to the COVID-19 pandemic a different approach will be required for the National Night Out celebration this year. Instead of a major event at our clubhouse/pool area he intends to encourage residents to hold individual gatherings in their front yards. Chris stated that he will communicate more information to the Board as the plans develop. This year, National Night Out will be Tuesday, October 6, 2020.

Decision on Use of Crest Action Item List – After a brief discussion, the Board decided to not utilize the Crest Management tool as it prefers to continue communicating via email as at present. 

Approval and Terms of Reference of Communications and Security Committees – CO stated that he would like to create a Communications Committee lead by Chris Cox with Bill Petry, and Dave Ellis as members, and a Security Committee lead by James Kelley with Michael Wood, and CO Holt as members. These Committees would provide recommendations to the Board for approval no later than the end of the first quarter in 2021. A major issue to be addressed by the Communications Committee would be the transition of the current WSMA website to a new platform. The Board approved the establishment of these two committees.

Christmas Decorations – Jim Calvert provided two proposals for the Board’s review. The proposals were from Services Green and Christmas Décor. After review and discussion, a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried to approve the Services Green proposal in the amount of $4,727.63.

ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION – With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned into executive session at 6:53 P.M.

Delinquencies – Three accounts remain on the trash suspension list. 

Deed Restriction Enforcement – Jim Calvert reviewed the Enforcement Action Report with the Board. After review, the Board approved to send account 2530206015 to the Association attorney for enforcement.

Attorney Action Report – Jim Calvert reviewed the Attorney Action Report with the Board. After review, the Board approved Jim’s recommendation to move forward with the next legal steps. 


There were no homeowners present to hear a summary of the executive session. The next meeting will be the rescheduled annual meeting of members to be held on October 20, 2020.

With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 P.M.