Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community

SEPTEMBER 17, 2019
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 5:30 P.M. at the Crest Management office, 17171 Park Row, Suite 310, Houston, Texas 77084.


Board Members present were Dave Ellis, Jim Calvert, Ed Shipley, CO Holt, Chris Cox, Larry Barrow and Bill Petry.

Also, in attendance was Cindy Bojé representing Crest Management and, for a short time, Sheriff Deputy Chad King.

With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 P.M. 


The minutes for the August 20, 2019 Board Meeting were presented and a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried to accept the minutes without change.


There was one homeowner present at the meeting to observe.


CO Holt, our security liaison, and Deputy Chad King presented the August security report. The community continues to enjoy an enviably low crime rate. A copy of the monthly sheriff report was included in the meeting packets.


Welcoming Committee Chairman, Larry Barrow, reported that there was one new homeowner since the last meeting and that he had made follow up attempts to meet some new residents who were not home on his previous visits. A copy of the activity report was included in the meeting packets.  


National Night Out Planning – Chris Cox updated the Board on the National Night Out planning. Chris stated that he has obtained a proposal from James Coney Island to provide hot dogs and staff for the event for a cost in the order of $930. He also reported that he was successful in requesting donation funds from various organizations. The Association has booked the bounce houses, photo booth, and Chris is inquiring on a DJ to not only play music but also to MC the event. Jim Calvert provided raffle prizes from local vendors.


Decisions taken by email vote since the last meeting - Approval of A-Beautiful’s proposal to replace 50 feet of loose pool tiles for $300.

A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried to ratify the item voted on by the Board outside of a Board meeting.  

Approval of Crest Management Contract Renewal – Dave Ellis discussed the 2020 Crest contract renewal pointing out its minor changes from 2019. After a brief discussion, a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried to approve the Crest Management contract renewal at $2,450 per month.

Approval of TLC Landscaping Contract Renewal – Dave Ellis informed the meeting that TLC’s 2020 contract renewal now includes the previously approved monthly mowing around the outside of our perimeter fence. There are no other changes and no increase in price. After a brief discussion, a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried to approve the 2020 Texas Lawn Care landscape contract renewal at $29,266.50 annually.

Budget Planning for 2020 – Dave Ellis reviewed the proposed 2020 budget with the Board. He explained that to prepare the draft he had sought input from the Board members who have responsibility for each area of our expenditures and from Crest personnel for the administrative costs. He also presented the executive summary to the reserve study that has been prepared by Association Reserves. The reserve study calculated that the Association is currently 97.7% funded. Dave motioned that the Board accept the reserve study and its recommendation that the monthly capital reserve contribution be increased to $5,530 from $4,667 in order to gradually allow us to move to the 100% funding goal.

After review and discussion, the 2020 reserve study and the proposed budget were approved. The 2020 assessment rate will increase to $750.  

ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION – With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned into executive session at 6:32 P.M.

Delinquencies – Two accounts remain on the trash suspension list.

Deed Restriction Enforcement – Jim Calvert reviewed the Enforcement Action Report with the Board. The report was discussed and it was agreed that no action is needed at this time.

The Board discussed clarification of the enforcement process regarding parking of recreational vehicles and trailers. The process is that a courtesy letter will not be sent upon the first sighting of a recreation vehicle or trailer, but the sighting will be noted on the homeowner’s file. If the recreational vehicle or trailer is still there the following month at that point a courtesy letter will be sent. After a discussion, a motion was made, seconded and carried with 4 approval votes and 2 opposed votes to ratify the above process.

Attorney Action Report – Jim Calvert reviewed the Attorney Action Report with the Board. After review, the Board approved the filing of a suit against account 2530103024 for non-compliance. 


There were no homeowners present to hear a summary of the executive session. The next meeting will be held on October 15, 2019 at the community clubhouse.

With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:18 P.M