Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community

SEPTEMBER 19, 2017
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at 5:30 P.M. at the Crest Management office, 17171 Park Row, Suite 310, Houston, Texas 77084.

Board Members present were: Katy Hall, Dave Ellis, Jim Calvert, Chris Cox, Ed Shipley, Chase Wier. Lisa Zirot was absent.

Also in attendance was Cindy Bojé representing Crest Management.

With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:32 P.M. 

The minutes for the August 15, 2017 Board of Directors Meeting were presented and a motion to accept the minutes as presented was made by Jim Calvert, seconded by Katy Hall and unanimously carried.

Chris Cox reported that there were no unusual problems during August and our community continues to enjoy a very low crime rate. A copy of the monthly sheriff report was included in the meeting packets. 


Ratifications of items voted on by the Board outside of a board meeting:- Replacement of Bruton Park Light – Approval was given for the replacement of the failed Bruton Park flag light with an LED fitting. This will be installed by Donald Electric for a price of $670.30.

A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried to ratify this item voted on by the Board outside of a Board meeting.

National Night Out Planning – Due to Lisa’s absence, Katy Hall updated the Board on some of the National Night Out planning issues. She informed the Board and Cindy Bojé that the only items so far received from the National Night Out order were the child ID kits. It was reported that food such as hot dogs and decorations such as balloons still need to be purchased. A reminder was given that although the pool will be closed, for safety reasons Lisa needs to secure the services of a lifeguard from A-Beautiful. Chase Wier agreed to MC the event and will secure whatever PA equipment he needs.

Royal Arms Court Cul-de-sac Island Restoration – Dave Ellis reported that the Royal Arms Court cul-de-sac improvements have been completed by Texas Lawn Care. Dave urged the Board members to evaluate the improvements so that a decision could be made on how to move forward with some of the other cul-de-sacs islands that are in need of similar attention.


Budget Planning for 2018 – The Board reviewed the proposed 2018 budget. Dave Ellis mentioned three projects that could be included in the 2018 budget or which the Board could approve to have completed before the end of this year. The projects included replacement of the pool expansion joints; restriping at the clubhouse/pool parking lot and the purchase of an additional small tennis court shade for court #3 that has been requested by the ladies tennis leagues. 

After discussion, a motion to approve the replacement of the pool expansion joints by Mastic Masters for a price of $3,784.50 and the on-line purchase of the tennis court shade for $500 plus shipping was made by Chase, seconded by Katy and unanimously carried.

Dave has received a price of $1,900 from Property Services for the car park re-striping project and Cindy will obtain additional proposals. Approval will then be sought by email vote.

After review and discussion the budget for 2018 was finalized and approved.

Establish Assessment for 2018 Maintenance Fee – A motion to approve the 2018 assessment at $730, a $30 increase from 2017, was made, seconded and carried. It was noted that the assessment rate has not been increased for several years during which time the reserve funds in the Operating account have been seriously impacted. This rate increase will allow some restoration of this reserve which is the only source of funds for major one-time maintenance expenditures and capital improvements. The Board decided that the billing will be mailed on November 13, 2017. Katy Hall will provide Crest Management with a letter regarding the increase that will be included with the billing. 

Crest Management Administrative Contract Renewal – After revisions, a motion to approve the Crest Management administrative contract renewal at the same price as 2017 was made by Dave Ellis, seconded by Jim Calvert and unanimously carried. 

Force Mow Expense – The Board discussed the effort and expense incurred in managing force mows on properties where the owners have failed to maintain their yards to an acceptable standard. After discussion, a motion that a $25 administrative fee payable to the Association be added to the cost of each force mow expense, was made by Chase, seconded Katy and unanimously carried.


With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned into executive session at 7:07 P.M.

Delinquencies - The Board discussed delinquencies. It was noted that seven homeowners remain on the trash suspension list. 

Deed Restriction Enforcement – Cindy Bojé reported that to provide some relief to homeowners recovering from the effects of hurricane Harvey the September inspection was cancelled. It was noted that inspections will resume October 1st.  

Attorney Action Report – There was nothing to report this month due to the cancellation of the September deed restriction inspection.


With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:28 P.M.

The next meeting will be held on October 17, 2017 at the community clubhouse.