A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, September 17, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. at the offices of Planned Community Management, 15995 N. Barkers Landing, Suite 162, Houston, Tx. 77079.
Board Members present were Walter Smith, Dave Ellis, Gail Owen, Floyd Ball and Michael Wood and Dolores Sue representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI).
With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.
The Board reviewed the minutes of the August 20, 2013 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Dave Ellis seconded by Gail Owens and unanimously approved.
There were no homeowners present.
The Board reviewed the patrol service report.
The Board reviewed the preliminary budget. A motion to accept the budget was made by Walter Smith, seconded by Michael Wood and unanimously approved.
2014 RATE
A motion to maintain the 2014 annual maintenance rate at its current level of $700 was made by Walter Smith seconded by Gail Owen and unanimously approved.
The Board instructed PCMI to mail invoices mid-November, 2013
Ratify Decisions Made by e-mail Prior to Meeting -
Tennis Court Nets and Waste Bins - purchased for a total of $615.23. These have now been installed.
Approved Houston Recreation Management contract for two (2) additional weekends in September for a cost of $765.92. This was done in response to an email survey conducted to assess the level of resident support for keeping the pool open on weekends during September as was requested by some homeowners who attended the August meeting.
Sand in Pool Filters - Dave Ellis reported the sand in the filters has now been changed and has resulted in a significant improvement in the quality of the pool water.
Bruton Park Monument - The Board reported that the damaged monument has been repaired to community standards and the Board is satisfied with the work.
Vandalism to Tennis Court Lock - The video camera did capture images of some children in and around the tennis court when the damage to the lock occurred. This incident began when the gate had been left propped open by tennis players on the previous day. Should this type of incident happen again the Board may seek restitution for the damage from those responsible, who may be identified by the publication of images from the camera system.
The Board briefly discussed the issue that egress from the tennis courts requires the use of a key. This has always been the case, but some concern has been raised as to whether this arrangement could be viewed as a safety issue. There are a number of difficulties in changing this arrangement however. Dave Ellis will continue to investigate the practicality of alternatives such that a key would no longer be required to exit the courts.
Loss of Keys to the Clubhouse - As a result of the loss a set of clubhouse keys by a renter, Dave Ellis has purchased and installed a new padlock on the main gate and has distributed keys to those who are authorized to have access.
New Legislative Laws - The Board reviewed a letter from the Association attorney, Mr. Jeff Messock, regarding the new laws. The Board unanimously agreed to have Mr. Messock prepare the new management certificate and file it with the Harris County Records department.
Sprinkler Installation at the center island in the cul-de sac in the 22300 block of Vobe Court. - A resident explained to the Board of Directors that he, at his own expense, has been using his hose to water the center island in the cul-de-sac adjacent to his home. He is now planning on installing a sprinkler system in his yard and would like to also have a line run under the road to the island so that a sprinkler system could be installed on it also. If this is done he would continue to pay for the water usage. However, he invited the Association to contribute to the cost of installation. The total cost to bore under the street and install the line is estimated to be $1,000.00. A motion to contribute $500.00 to this installation provided that the homeowner will continue to pay the water bill was made by Michael Wood, seconded by Walter Smith and unanimously approved.
At 6:15 p.m. the Board adjourned to executive session to discuss delinquencies and deed restriction matters.
Delinquency - The Board reviewed the delinquency report. At the present time no additional accounts need to be sent to the Association attorney.
Deed Restrictions - The Board reviewed the deed restriction list from the inspections performed September 5, 2013. It was unanimously agreed not to send any new accounts to the Attorney this month. PCMI was instructed to continue to send reminder letters.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. The next meeting will be October 15, 2013.