Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community

NOVEMBER 19, 2013
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.  


Board Members present were Floyd Ball, Gail Owens, Walt Smith, Martin Spears, Dave Ellis and Larry Crain. Also, in attendance were Officer Felchak and Dolores Sue representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI).

With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.  


The Board reviewed the minutes of the October 15, 2013 Board meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Walt Smith, seconded by Larry Crain and unanimously approved.


There were three (3) homeowners present. One new resident would like a recycle bin. PCMI will contact the garbage collection company and have one delivered.

A resident stated that he has noticed more trailers in the streets and specially one that parks at one of the exits to the subdivision. He expressed the concern that now that it becomes darker earlier it is very dangerous for the trailer to be parked in that location. The Board confirmed they are aware of that and other similar situations and agree these trailers could be traffic hazards. Unfortunately, as the streets are the property of Harris County the Association has limited jurisdiction. Letters are sent in situation where these trailers are parked for extended periods.

The Board reviewed a complaint from a resident concerning a home, no address provided, that the complaining resident believes is being used for more than a single family dwelling. The Board tabled this discussion until the Executive session. 


Martin Spears presented the patrol service report. There was one break-in during the month of October.  

Dave Ellis presented the financials. As of October 31, 2013, the money in the bank totaled $550,597.00. This includes checking, savings accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets.

Delinquency for the month ending October 31, 2013 was $15,784.52. 

Reserve Study

Dave Ellis presented the reserve study which he has updated for 2014. This study is updated each year to ensure there is enough money in the reserve account to fund the future replacement of major items of our infrastructure when such replacement becomes necessary. It does not include the Perimeter Fence, however, which is handled separately.

Further, this report is given to the independent auditor who performs the annual of audit of the Association accounts. The Board unanimously agreed to accept the study as presented.

Dave Ellis discussed the amount to be transferred to the Reserve at the end of 2013, recommending that the budgeted $22,000.00 be transferred to the general reserve together with the budgeted $36,000.00 to the perimeter fence replacement fund. Walt Smith made a motion to make these transfers. The motion was seconded by Larry Crain and unanimously approved.  


Status on Repairs to Carter’s Grove Monument 

The repairs have now been completed. The Board discussed the approach to seeking compensation from the insurance company of the vehicle that damaged the monument for the expenditures incurred in excess of the amount covered by our insurance. This excess includes the cost of landscaping, sprinkler system repair and some electrical work. 

The Board will work with PCMI to refer the invoices to the appropriate insurance agent.


Explore Ways to save Resident’s Money for Services Provided

Floyd Ball informed the meeting that the Harris County Municipal Utility District Number 61 (MUD 61) has placed on the agenda of their Tuesday, November 26, 2013 meeting a discussion of some services currently provided by the Association which could possibly be supplied by the MUD at a lower cost. Floyd will attend the meeting and bring back for discussion at a future Association Board meeting any recommendations that the MUD may make.

Municipal Utility District Number 61 (MUD 61) – Flood Prevention Project

Floyd Ball reported that the MUD 61 has proceeded with the purchase of the home 22023 Bucktrout that was discussed at last month’s meeting in connection with the proposed flood abatement project. Based on the advice of the Association attorney the Board was unable to sign the agreement which the MUD had initially requested from the Association. 

2014 Assessment Invoices 

Floyd Ball informed the meeting that the 2014 invoices have now been mailed on or about November 15, 2013. Dave Ellis will send an email letting residents know and asking anyone who has not received theirs to contact PCMI.  

Early in the new year Floyd Ball and Dave Ellis will meet with Tammy Evans, the PCMI Regional Manager, to discuss improvements to the invoicing procedure for 2015.

Contracts Ending December 31, 2013

The contracts for the previously approved 2014 landscaping and patrol services were signed.

Holiday Decorations

There is a need for some renovation of the signs for the holiday decoration winners and some of the garland used to decorate the subdivision entrances. A motion to have Gail Owens and Larry Crain work together and giving them authority to spend up to $500.00 on this project was made by Larry Cain, seconded by Walt Smith and unanimously approved.

Garage Sales

The Association has received a request to consider having assigned Garage Sale days or weekends. The Board tabled this discussion until its January 2014 meeting.

At 7:10 p.m. the Board adjourned to executive session to discuss delinquencies, deed restriction and other matters.



The Board reviewed the delinquency report. At the present time no additional accounts need to be sent to the Association attorney.  

Deed Restrictions

The Board reviewed the deed restriction list from the inspections performed November 5, 2013. It was unanimously agreed that no accounts will be turned over to the Association attorney for legal action this month.

Single Family Residence Restriction

There was some discussion of the legal issues associated with this subject that was brought to the Board’s attention in a letter from a resident. A letter explaining such issues will be sent to the resident who made the request, inviting him to attend a future Executive session if he wants the Board to address a specific situation.


With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. The next meeting will be January 21, 2014 at the community clubhouse.