A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.
Board Members present were Floyd Ball, Gail Owen, Larry Crain, Dave Ellis, Walter Smith and Michael Wood. Also in attendance were Dolores Sue representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI) and Officer Wayne Felchak.
With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.
The minutes of both the April 15, 2014 Annual meeting and the Board meeting that followed were reviewed. A motion to approve both these sets of minutes, following the correction of two minor typographical corrections, was made by Walter Smith, seconded by Michael Wood and unanimously approved.
There were five (5) homeowners and two (2) contractors in attendance.
One resident expressed her concern for safety at the swimming pool. Specifically, Sunday, May, 18, 2014 the lifeguards were frolicking with their friends and not guarding the pool. The Board thanked this resident for the information and will be contacting the pool company.
A resident express his interest in purchasing the vacant lot on Bucktrout that is currently owned by the Municipal Utility District (MUD) 61. The Board informed him that the Williamsburg Settlement Board has no control of that lot and gave the homeowner the MUD 61 Contact information. He was also told that MUD 61 has a meeting at 6:30 pm next Tuesday May 27, 2014 at the Municipal Operations & Consulting, Inc. Office at 1825 N. Mason and he was told who to contact to request a place on the agenda of that meeting.
At this time Michael Wood presented a contractor, Omar Alghali, who has worked with several families in Williamsburg Settlement, principally on replacing hail-damaged roofs. The name of his company is Construction Services LLC. He works to negotiate with insurance companies and believes that he can get the best outcome on a homeowner’s claim.
Martin Spears presented the security patrol report for the month of April, 2014. There have been no burglaries this last month. Further, it appears that the patrolling officers are noticing a trend of homeowners watching out for each other and calling the Sherriff when they observe abnormal situations.
Dave Ellis presented the financials. As of April 30, 2014, the money in the bank totaled $879,501.01. This includes checking, savings accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets.
Delinquency for the month ending April 30, 2014 was $37,059.71 As of May 16, 2014 it had fallen to $32,994.30.
There was no old business to come before the Board
Trash Collection - The Board explained there is a three (3) year contract with WCA, the current trash collection company. Each year on the anniversary of the contract WCA has the ability to increase its fee by the annual increase in the trash collection Consumer Price index (CPI). This year the increase from the current cost of $19.37 per home will be $0.52 bringing the new total monthly per home to $19.89.
Trash Collection has been a problem for the past two months. The company now has some new crews servicing our subdivision. This change in personnel has resulted in a significant increase in missed pick-ups at some homes. The Board has been compiling a list of problems and will be sending a forceful letter to the trash company. If marked improvement does not occur within the next month, the Board will take the appropriate steps within their contract to begin the cancellation process.
Further, the contract was written for 763 homes and there are currently only 762 now that the home on the lot purchased by the MUD has been demolished. Accordingly the Board will be requesting a reduction of $19.89 in the monthly fee.
Metal Fence around Clubhouse - Floyd Ball wanted to get a consensus of the Board regarding the iron fence around the clubhouse. After due discussion it was decided that Dave Ellis, Martin Spears and Floyd Ball will serve as subcommittee to review the fence to determine if it needs replacing now, or if its replacement could wait for a further year. The committee will report its recommendations to the Board of Directors.
New Furnishings for Clubhouse - Floyd Ball wanted to know if the Board felt that any new furnishings were needed for the clubhouse or pool area. After due discussion it was decided that the same subcommittee will review this and make recommendations as to whether anything is needed at this time, and if so will report its recommendations to the Board.
Any Repairs Needed for Clubhouse, Tennis Court, Basketball Park, Playground, etc. -
Dave Ellis reported that there is one tennis court windscreen that needs to be replaced and one that will shortly be in the same condition. Neither of these may survive a strong wind storm. He has obtained prices from Sullivan Industries, Inc. and estimates that these two windscreens could be replaced for under $300. A motion granting the authority to spend up to this amount for the replacement of these screens was proposed by Larry Crain, seconded by Walter Smith and unanimously approved. The subcommittee defined above will also review whether any additional items are needed this year.
Replace Some Missing Fence Pickets on Perimeter Fence - Floyd Ball reported that there are some pickets on the perimeter fence requiring attention. Larry Crain and Floyd Ball will do an inspection to determine which pickets should be replaced.
Community Events - Michael Wood reported that he would like the subdivision to hold a National Night Out Function this year and possibility a fishing tournament at some point. Another suggestion discussed was whether to have a splash day party in 2015 and allow the swim team to sell food items using the event as a fund raiser. The Board wants to have more community functions for the neighborhood and Michel Wood will review the possibilities and make recommendations to the Board.
At 6:51 p.m. the meeting was adjourned to executive session
Decision Made during executive session
The Board reviewed the attorney status report. It approved one (1) account for the attorney to move forward with a law suit on a deed restriction matter. One account had corrected the deed restriction matter and the attorney will be asked to close the file on this account.
The Board reviewed each deed restriction. It was unanimously agreed to turn one (1) new account to the Association attorney for legal action.
Delinquencies were reviewed. Multiple accounts were sent to the Association attorney on May 13, 2014 for collection of maintenance fees. Two additional accounts will be going to the Association attorney this week for default of payment. One Account was removed from the attorney list of accounts as a settlement agreement has been reached. About 2/3 of the remaining delinquency dollars are now at the Association attorney for collection. The board hopes these can be resolved quickly as the attorney fees are very expensive and are posted to the delinquent property owner's account.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. The next meeting will be June 17, 2014 at the community clubhouse at 5:30 pm.