A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at 5:30 P.M. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.
Board Members present were Niki Dillon, Dave Ellis, Lance Gordon, and Bill Petry.
Also, in attendance was Cindy B. representing Crest Management.
With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:31 P.M.
The minutes from the February 15, 2022, Board meeting were presented and a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried to accept the minutes without change.
There were five homeowners in attendance at this month’s meeting. Most were there to observe, one was there to suggest adding a splash pad for the smaller children in the grass area behind the pool, one thanked the Board for adding the pickleball courts, and one homeowner suggested that the Board consider moving the meeting time later into the evening so working homeowners may attend. Regarding the splash pad, the Board stated they would discuss the possibility, after some research.
Welcoming of New Residents – Nick Damian reported that since the report presented at the February meeting, three new residents have been added to the welcoming list and all new residents have now received a visit. A copy of the report was provided in the Board packets.
Dave Ellis presented a report of the February 28, 2022, financials. As of this date, the money in the bank totaled $1,103,927.81. This figure includes checking and Account Registry CDs (CDAR)s which together constitute the funds required to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets. The delinquency total as of February 28, 2022, was $94,016.80.
A. Decisions approved by email vote since the last meeting
a. Approval of tennis court resurfacing contract in the amount of $14,760.00
b. Approval of adding two pickleball courts that was included in the total amount of
the tennis court resurfacing.
B. Status of Ongoing Projects
a. Pool Furniture Re-Strapping - Dave Ellis reported that the pool furniture
re-strapping to white and blue colors has been completed.
b. Power Washing, Restriping and Windscreen Replacements – Dave Ellis that this
has been completed.
c. Replacement of Pool and Tennis Court Awnings – Dave Ellis stated that the
orders were placed some time ago and they should be installed within the next two weeks.
C. Closing of Architectural Control Committee Candidate Applications – Dave Ellis reported that the Board received eight applications from which the Board will select the five who will be the initial ARC members.
Consider the Swim Team’s Request Regarding Display of Sponsor Banners – Bernie Hall was present on behalf of the swim team to request the Board’s approval to display their sponsorship banners throughout the swim team season on a section of the iron fencing around the pool. The Board briefly discussed the details but stated they will further discuss the request in executive session and get back to him.
Request to Use Big Room as Voting Location – Bill Petry discussed with the Board the request received to use the big room as a voting location for May 27, 2022. After detailing the burden that it places on the Board volunteers to allow access, provide cleanup, and repair potential damage resulting from the use of the larger and heavier voting machine trolleys which will no longer fit through the door into the small room for storage before and after the election, the Board denied the request to utilize the big room. The date needed would also conflict with the pool opening.
Splash Day – Dave Ellis asked the Board if it intends to have a splash day this year. The Board stood firm on its decision not to hold any community events until a full Board is in place to help with their planning and execution.
Tennis Court Nets – Dave Ellis reported that the tennis court nets need to be replaced. He has repaired them many times, but now they have rotted to the point that further repairs are impractical. Dave obtained a quote from Sullivan’s to replace four nets in the amount of $983.80. Dave stated that Mario with EMA Sports Solutions would install them without charge. After a brief discussion, a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried to approve the purchase of the four nets.
Replacement of Brackets Around Fence – Dave Ellis reported that many of the brackets securing the sections of the iron fence around the pool had become badly corroded. Texas Fence, the company that installed this fence, was called in to inspect them. It agreed that the premature corrosion is a manufacturing defect and agreed to replace all of the brackets at just the cost of the labor. Also one fence panel by the basketball court had been damaged and needed replacing and part of the fence along the path to the car park was leaning due to it being pushed by the roots of the adjacent tree. Texas Fence handled all these issue for a cost to the Association of $1,275.00
ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION – With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned into executive session at 6:22 P.M.
Delinquencies – Four accounts remain on the trash suspension list.
Deed Restriction Enforcement – Cindy B. reviewed the Enforcement Action Report with the Board. After review, the Board agreed that if the violations exist upon next month’s inspection, the violations may be turned over to the Association attorney for enforcement.
Attorney Action Report – Cindy B. reviewed the Attorney Action Report with the Board. There was no action to be taken this month.
Architectural Review Committee – A copy of the Exterior Modification Report was provided in the Board packets.
There were no homeowners present to hear a summary of the executive session therefore, the next meeting will be held on April 19, 2022.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 P.M