A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at 5:30 P.M. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.
Board Members present were: Katy Hall, Dave Ellis, Jim Calvert, Ed Shipley, Lisa Zirot, Chris Cox and Chase Wier.
Also, in attendance was Cindy Bojé representing Crest Management, along with Sheriff Deputy Paul Wilburn.
With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:32 P.M.
The minutes for the February 20, 2018 Board of Directors Meeting were presented and a motion to accept the minutes without change was made by Katy Hall, seconded by Lisa Zirot and unanimously carried.
There were 2 homeowners present at the meeting, but no concerns were expressed.
Deputy Wilburn and Chris Cox, our security liaison, reported that there were no unusual problems during March and our community continues to enjoy a very low crime rate. A copy of the monthly sheriff report was included in the meeting packets.
Dave Ellis presented a detailed report on the February 28, 2018 financials. As of this date, the money in the bank totaled $835,817.25. This figure includes checking, money market accounts and CD’s and are the funds required to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets. The delinquency total as of February 28, 2018 was $67,339.92.
Dave motioned to transfer $50,000.00 from the Reserve Account at Mutual of Omaha to the Icon ICS Reserve Account where it will earn more interest until needed for operating expenditures. This will be done at the end of March. The motion was seconded by Chris Cox and unanimously carried.
Community Events:
a.Memorial Day/Splash Day – The Board discussed whether the Splash Day event should be discontinued due to the low turnout last year when it was held on Memorial Day. The Board decided to change the date this year to Saturday May 26, 2018 to see if this improves the attendance. Lisa Zirot will continue to solicit volunteers and reach out to potential sponsors.
b.Holy Covenant Easter Egg Hunt/Donations – Lisa Zirot will coordinate a meeting for volunteers to donate stuffed eggs.
c.Car Show – Katy Hall confirmed that the date of the car show will be April 14, 2018.
d.National Night Out – Lisa requested that this be tabled until a later date as the event will not be held until October.
Pool Tag Distribution Progress - Katy Hall reported that the first distribution day went well. The next distribution day will be March 25, 2018.
Flags Across America – Participation Renewal - A brief discussion took place regarding the two flags installed at the clubhouse on holidays as part of the Flags Across America Boy Scout sponsored program. Dave motioned that the Board continue with the program in perpetuity until cancelled by a Board vote. This was seconded by Katy Hall and unanimously carried. The cost for the two flags would be $70 per year.
Electrical Issues - Dave Ellis informed the Board that he had discovered an electrical issue at the clubhouse. Dave had Robert Donald help locate the source of the problem which is a fault in the clubhouse gable light facing the car park. The cost of the service call was $92.50. Dave motioned that the Board approve Robert Donald to replace the ballast and capacitor in this light fitting. The cost for the repair would be $318.00. Chris Cox seconded, and it was unanimously carried.
Clubhouse Landscaping Restoration after Freeze - Dave Ellis reported that the freeze was not kind to our plants around the clubhouse this year. A lot of plants did not survive the freeze, as was the case last year. Dave requested a quote from Texas Lawn Care for options to replace the plants. This was summarized in a spreadsheet for the Board to review.
Dave’s recommendation was to replace the existing Dianella plants with hardier Blue Agapanthus. After a freeze the dead material can be trimmed off these plants and they will grow back. The cost to do this would be $1,353.75.
Katy Hall motioned to move forward with Texas Lawn Care’s recommendation, seconded by Chris Cox, unanimously carried.
Clubhouse Carpet Cleaning - Dave Ellis suggested that maybe it is time to have the clubhouse carpet cleaned, the cost for which would be in the $300-$400 range. After a brief discussion this was tabled until Lisa Zirot looks into getting the clubhouse flooring replaced.
ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION – With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned into executive session at 6:41 P.M.
Delinquencies - The Board discussed delinquencies. It was noted that the demand letters sent in early March to 122 residents would expire April 9, 2018. Any accounts with delinquent balances in excess of $25 will be placed on the trash suspension list beginning April 12, 2018.
Attorney Action Report – There was no action needed to be taken this month.
Deed Restriction Enforcement – Jim Calvert reviewed the Enforcement Action Report with the Board. After reviewing, it was agreed that account number 2530213015 will be sent to the attorney for enforcement if the violation still exists on the April inspection.
Discussion of Annual Meeting Protocol - Katy Hall briefly discussed the protocol for the 2018 annual meeting to be held on April 17, 2018.
The next meeting will be the annual meeting of members to be held on April 17, 2018 at the community clubhouse.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 P.M