A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, July 18, 2023, at 6:00 P.M. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.
Board Members present were Heather Colkos, Sachie Etherington, Lance Gordon, James Kelley, Chuck O'Connor, and Bill Petry. Dave Ellis was absent.
Also, in attendance was Cindy B., CMCA, AMS, representing Crest Management.
With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 6:06 P.M.
The minutes from the June 20, 2023, Board meeting were presented, and a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried to accept the minutes without change.
There were 4 homeowners in attendance at this month’s meeting who were there to observe, and to discuss the issue with aggressive dogs.
Welcoming of New Residents – Sachie Etherington reported that since the report presented at the June meeting, one new resident had been added to the welcoming list. A copy of the report was provided in the Board packets.
Dave Ellis was absent, so Cindy B. presented a report of the June 30, 2023, financials. As of this date, the money in the bank totaled $1,129,525.41. This figure includes checking and Account Registry CDs (CDAR)s which together constitute the funds required to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets. The delinquency total as of June 30, 2023, was $41,334.84.
Decisions approved by email vote since the last meeting -
Approval of purchase of new Tennis Court Tables in the amount of $2,385.06
License Plate Reading Cameras (LPR)s at Entrances – Bill Petry stated the Board had not yet moved further forward with this project since the last meeting. He stated that a letter would be composed for the Board’s review, to send to the residents to solicit their comments on the potential installation of cameras.
Status of Projects Approved at June Meeting – Due to Dave Ellis’ absence, Bill Petry tabled this discussion until the next meeting.
Approval of 2022 Draft Audit – A copy of the audit and final letter from Elaine Combs, CPA, was provided in the Board packets. After Dave Ellis’ prior review, it was recommended that the Board approve the audit as presented. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the draft audit.
Community Events – Heather Colkos stated the next event the Committee is planning will be the Car Show, scheduled for August 12th. Future events will include National Night Out on Tuesday, October 3, 2023.
Surveillance during Clubhouse Rentals – Bill Petry discussed with the Board that he wanted to add verbiage to the clubhouse rental agreement, that renters should be aware the premise is under surveillance and under no circumstances may the camera be obstructed or covered. Should renters not want to be videoed, they should not rent the clubhouse. Bill stated he would get with Dave Ellis to make the changes.
ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION – With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned into executive session at 6:37 P.M.
Delinquencies – Six accounts remain on the trash suspension list.
Deed Restriction Enforcement – Cindy B. reviewed the Enforcement Action Report with the Board. After review, a motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve sending accounts 2530312068, 2530212006, and 2530212004 to the attorney for enforcement.
Attorney Action Report – Cindy B. reviewed the Attorney Action Report with the Board. There was no action to be taken this month.
Architectural Review Committee – A copy of the Exterior Modification Report provided in the Board packets was reviewed.
There were no homeowners present to hear a summary of the executive session. The next meeting will be held at the clubhouse on August 15, 2023.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 P.M.