A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, July 18, 2017 at 5:30 P.M. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.
Board Members present were: Katy Hall, Dave Ellis, Jim Calvert, Chris Cox, Ed Shipley, and Lisa Zirot.
Also in attendance was Cindy Bojé representing Crest Management, and Sheriff Deputy Paul Wilburn.
With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 P.M.
The minutes for the June 20, 2017 Board of Directors Meeting were presented and a motion was made by Chris Cox, seconded by Dave Ellis and unanimously carried to accept the minutes as presented.
There were two (2) homeowners from one residence present at the meeting.
The homeowners discussed their exterior modification request that was denied. After a brief discussion, the Board thanked them for attending and informed them that it would table the discussion until executive session.
Deputy Wilburn and Security Liaison, Chris Cox, reported that there were no unusual problems during June and our community continues to enjoy a very low crime rate. A copy of the monthly sheriff report was included in the meeting packets.
Dave Ellis presented a detailed report on the June 30, 2017 financials. As of June 30, 2017, the money in the bank totaled $604,823.59. This figure includes checking, savings accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets. The delinquency total as of June 30, 2017 was $22,191.30.
Completed Projects
Dave stated that the diving board rules notice has been installed.
Dave stated that the movement of funds from Alliance to the Icon Bank discussed at the June meeting has now been completed.
Ratifications of items voted on by the Board outside of a board meeting:
Improved timekeeping for homeowner concerns: - The purpose of this change is to avoid the necessity for having to pay an overtime fee for a meeting that exceeds two hours. The approved procedural change limits the presentation and subsequent discussion of any one concern to 10 minutes with a maximum time for the Homeowner Concerns portion of the meeting to 30 minutes. If a homeowner anticipates needing a more lengthy airing of his or her concern they need to inform Crest prior to the meeting to have the subject added as a separate agenda item.
Addition of more Kiddie Cushion to playground: - Approval was given for the purchase of an additional 20 cubic yards of Kiddie Cushion mulch to be added to the playground. This will be purchased from Champion Landscaping Supplies and Equipment for an installed price of $57.00 per cubic yard and should be installed within the next two weeks.
A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried to ratify the items voted on by the Board outside of a Board meeting.
Candidates to Fill Open Board Position - There were five (5) candidates for the open Board position. Two out of the five were present, Chase Wier and Jeremy Woods. Katy Hall allowed each candidate to briefly speak about themselves and to state why they would be a good fit for the Board. Katy also read each biography for the candidates who were absent.
At this point Katy requested that Chase and Jeremy step out while the Board discussed the candidates’ qualifications and voted its selection. The candidates were then invited back into the room and Katy announced that the Board had voted to appoint Chase Wier to fill the vacancy. Chase Wier will serve on the Board until 2019.
National Night Out Preliminary Planning - Lisa Zirot briefed the Board on her progress in planning for this year’s National Night Out. Lisa requested to know the budget for the event and was informed that the remaining 2017 budget for Community Events is $2,751. Lisa stated that she has spoken to the fire department requesting a fire truck to be present for the event as has been the case the last two years, along with a PAWS Patrol costume for the kids. She will also have a coloring sheet that could be sent out to the homeowners for the kids to complete and bring for display at the National Night Out. Lisa inquired as to what was included in the “goodie bags” last year and was told that the items were usually coupons from local businesses. For the raffle, it was stated that in past years the organizer had successfully solicited local businesses to donate gift cards or gift baskets. It was mentioned that the photo booth featured last year was a success so maybe this should be tried again. Finally, Lisa stated that she hoped to organize a small car show for the event. The event will take place on Tuesday, October 3, 2017 between the hours of 6:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M.
Cul-de-Sac Maintenance - The Board discussed the request received by a homeowner regarding the maintenance and upkeep of the cul-de-sac island near her home. Dave Ellis and Jim Calvert drove the community to inspect all 18 cul-de-sac islands and Dave had emailed to the Board a brief report with a photo of each of the islands. The report showed that 8 out of 18 are in great to excellent condition. These are primarily the ones where owners of adjacent homes have taken an interest, watered the grass and in some cases had supplemented the landscaping. The Board discussed that they will consider forming a Landscape Committee of interested homeowners to present viable solutions for the Board’s consideration for enhancement in 2018.
Meanwhile, after discussion, a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried that Dave Ellis work with our landscaping company to develop proposals and prices for addressing three worst cul-de-sac islands.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned into executive session at 7:01 P.M.
EMR Denial for 2530106002 – The Board discussed the denial and provided two options for Cindy Bojé to offer the homeowner:
The homeowner can submit a new EMR for wrought iron fencing instead of wooden fence pickets for the Board to review; OR
Submit a formal hearing request to the Board to discuss the EMR denial
Delinquencies - The Board discussed delinquencies. It was noted that twelve homeowners remain on the trash suspension list.
Deed Restriction Enforcement – The Board reviewed the Force Mow Report. After review, the Board gave approval to have five homes force mowed if, when the contractor arrived on site, the lawn still needed maintenance. The Board reviewed the Enforcement Action Report and unanimously agreed to accept Jim Calvert’s recommendation to send six final demand letters.
The next meeting will be held on August 15, 2017 at the community clubhouse.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 P.M.