A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, July 15, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.
Board Members present were Gail Owen, Floyd Ball, Martin Spears, Michael Wood, Walt Smith, Dave Ellis and Larry Crain. Also in attendance were Dolores Sue representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI) and Officer Chad King.
With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.
The minutes of the June 17, 2014 Board meeting were reviewed. A motion to accept these minutes as written was made by Walt Smith, seconded by Larry Crain and unanimously approved.
There were eight (8) homeowners.
A homeowner expressed her appreciation to the Board of Directors for posting on the web site the number to the Academy Human Resource Department so that it could contact Academy employees who were parking their vehicles along Earl of Dunmore at the entrance to our subdivision. It seems that Academy has taken action with these employees and the situation has now improved considerably.
There was a complaint about a lifeguard frolicking with friends instead of guarding the pool. As individuals were jumping off the diving board the guard never looked at that end of the pool. People flipping off the diving board also raises a concern. Further, she reported showing a lifeguard her tags, only to be told by him that he was not interested in who may or may not have tags.
Another resident expressed a concern about the quality of water in the pool.
The Board told the residents that the Houston Recreation Management (H-Rec) office phone number is posted on the front gate at the entrance and that any resident noting a problem is encouraged to call the H-Rec office directly during the incident and make it aware of the issue while it is taking place.
The Board reminded those present that H-Rec management was asked to attend last Month’s Board meeting at which the water quality and lifeguard issues were brought to its attention. It was made clear to the H-Rec attendees that the situation must improve. Since then the company has taken steps to address the problems and a new supervisor has been assigned to our pool. Progress under this new supervisor will be monitored and hopefully we will see improvement over the remaining weeks of this season.
A resident reported that a person in a wheel chair could not get up the curb to enter the clubhouse from their vehicle which was stopped on Hoyt at the clubhouse entrance. The Board explained that those with such handicaps should make use of the handicap parking space and wheel chair access from our car park.
A resident mentioned that the roots of a pine tree have raised part of the concrete path directly in front of the clubhouse. This issue was mentioned by another resident at the previous meeting and the Board is taking action to address the problem.
A resident stated that she sees people wearing badges walking on our streets and asked if there is a group home in the subdivision. The Board replied that it has no knowledge of such a home.
A resident noticed a suspicious vehicle driving around the subdivision and its occupants going through recycle bins to collect cans. Then the next week he saw them again and took photos of the vehicle. The question was raised as to whether this practice is illegal. Deputy King responded telling those present that at the point when material is placed at the curb for collection it is considered “abandonment of property” so it is not illegal for someone go through it and remove items.
Martin Spears told the meeting that once again it has been another quiet month, thankfully with no burglaries to report.
Dave Ellis presented the financials. As of June 30, 2014 the money in the bank totaled $793,407.00. This includes checking, savings accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets. Delinquency for the month ending June 30, 2014 was $21,231.00. It has been a good month for collection.
Floyd Ball explained that residents who were sent collection demand letters by the Association attorney around the end of May were given thirty (30) days to comply. This notice period has now expired and these residents are about to incur significant additional legal fees. The Board strongly encourages anyone who has received such a letter to contact the attorney and take care of their debt immediately before their indebtedness escalates significantly.
Perimeter Fence
Floyd Ball is re-evaluating the way forward for the long term replacement of the perimeter fence, expressing concern that major sections may need replacing before the fence reserve we are accumulating is sufficient to cover all the cost. One way of reducing the cost to the Association would be by deeding back to the homeowners of fence sections that now back up to the senior apartment complex and Roots of Learning school and possibly other sections that do not face a public street. The fence sections that border the apartment complex and school have really become “neighbor to neighbor” fences to which the Association no longer has legal access without climbing fences. If the total length of perimeter fence that the Association has to maintain, currently 13,682 linear feet, could be reduced then obviously the financial burden to the Association would be reduced accordingly. However, such action would be controversial and there are many issues, legal and otherwise, and many alternative approaches possible. The Board agreed to keep this issue on the agenda for the next two (2) months to provide opportunity for further discussion and resident input.
The Board is aware that any changes of this nature would take a special meeting and vote of the homeowners.
The current standard of care for the perimeter fence is to maintain insurance and replace damaged fence that is an insurance event and replacing badly broken and missing fence pickets. To date this work has been performed by volunteers. However, very little of this activity will be performed during the summer due to the heat. There are procedures listed on the WSMA website for residents who have a damaged area of fence.
Clubhouse Repairs Needed
Dave Ellis reminded the Board as to what was agreed last month regarding the iron fence around the swimming pool; namely that the cost to repair it would be estimated and compared with the replacement cost. If a repair is cost effective this could perhaps be performed this year. But if a replacement is needed then the Board will evaluate the timing of this project. Martin Spears will obtain the cost estimates so that this evaluation can be conducted.
In reading last month’s minutes a resident raised the issue that if the iron fence is to be replaced, then might the Board consider the possibility of reconfiguring it to allow the unused grass area to the rear of the pool to be open to residents for recreational use. However, because of the additional cost that would be required at a time when funds are scarce there was little enthusiasm for pursuing this idea.
Fences in the Neighborhood
Currently all fences are required to be cedar or cypress. A homeowner has requested that he be allowed to use treated pine. A motion was made by Walt Smith to allow treated pine for the fences, provided that proper construction rules are followed. The motion was seconded by Floyd Ball but failed with two (2) yes and five (5) no votes.
Playground Inspections
Dave Ellis told the Board that in the recent renewal package from our insurance company was a recommendation that we perform regular safety inspections of our playground equipment. He has reviewed relevant portions of documentation from the equipment supplier and the insurance company and compiled a checklist that could be used as the basis for a regular inspection regimen of our equipment.
Dave Ellis made a motion that the playground be inspected every three (3) months using this checklist. The motion was seconded by Walt Smith and unanimously approved. Dave agreed to perform this task.
Clubhouse Overnight Parking
Floyd Ball asked the Board if there are any concerns about vehicles being parked in the clubhouse parking lot overnight. The Board decided that until some data is available on the scope of the issue it would not be reasonable to take any action. Therefore it was unanimously agreed that Martin Spears ask the sheriff patrol deputies to maintain a record for at least the next month on what vehicles are parked on the car park each night, including a brief vehicle description and license tag ID, and to have this available for the August meeting. The Board can then review this data and decide if there is a sufficient problem to warrant the installation of “No Overnight Parking” signs and setting up a procedure for the towing away of violators.
Current Requirements and Paperwork for Pool Parties during Regular Open Hours
Dave Ellis explained that the current procedure for pool parties held during regular pool hours, typically children’s birthday parties and the like, is to require a $100.00 security deposit check which is refundable following an inspection the following day. This requires before and after inspections and associated paperwork which is pretty meaningless as the pool and the restrooms are shared by everyone else in the area at that time. As the responsibility for maintaining these areas rests with the lifeguard anyway there is no reasonable basis for assigning blame for any issues to the party.
Dave Ellis made a motion that the Board permits the booking procedure for pool parties during regular pool hours (only) to forgo the inspection paperwork and the $100 security deposit; reservations still being made via the web site as at present and a security deposit still required if the party is also renting the big room, (which is the usual scenario). The motion was seconded by Martin Spears and unanimously approved.
Pool Rules
To remove some ambiguity in the interpretation of the posted pool rules, and to address some safety issues, Dave Ellis has proposed a revision. The proposed changes have been reviewed by H-Rec and the Board members prior to the meeting.
Dave Ellis made a motion that the revised rules be accepted and that a new pool rules sign be purchased from Fast Signs for a cost of $427.73. The motion was seconded by Martin Spears and the motion passed with one (1) opposed.
A resident asked if in addition we could post a sign at the lifeguard office telling everyone that they must sign-in prior to entering the pool area. Martin Spears will design the sign and obtain a cost for Board approval.
H-Rec Dive-In Movie Offer
Dave Ellis informed the Board that H-Rec had volunteered to host a Dive-in movie night at our facility in which residents could watch a movie while sitting or swimming in the pool area. Two (2) Board Members were in favor of having the party and five (5) were opposed. Dave Ellis will communicate this decision to H-Rec thanking them for their offer.
Grass Area near Entrance at Earl of Dunmore
Floyd Ball informed the meeting that there have been complaints about the grass on the South side of Earl of Dunmore around the entrance to the subdivision. He reported that the County and MUD 61 have mowed the areas that they own, but the remaining portion that is owned by the commercial interests at that location is being neglected. It was unanimously agreed that Larry Crain try to get the owner to cut his portion of the grass.
The owner of the property on the NW side of the Mason Road/Colonial Parkway intersection has recently mowed the property and the Association appreciates their action. Floyd Ball will be sending the owner a letter of appreciation.
Duct Tape on Stop Signs
Floyd Ball drew the meeting’s attention to the duct tape on the stop signs within the subdivision which has been left after residents have illegally attached lost or found pet or garage sale notices. These defaced signs look dreadful and he asks all residents to refrain from further postings and appreciates everyone’s cooperation in helping keep them clean. Resident's signs should have their own stake(s) or other support and not be attached to traffic signs, street signs, or street lamp post. Anyone has the right to tear down such signs.
At 7:35 p.m. the meeting was adjourned to executive session
Decision Made During Executive Session:
Deed Restriction Violations
The Board reviewed all deed restriction violations
Delinquencies were reviewed. Property Owners who have defaulted on payment plans will have further legal action taken.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. The next meeting will be August 19, 2014 at the community clubhouse at 5:30 pm.