Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community
JULY 20, 2009
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Monday July 20, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.  


Directors in attendance were Dave Ellis, Brian Boggs, Mark Molsberry, Lance Gordon and Cliff Johnson.  Also in attendance, representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI), was Dolores Sue.

A quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:40 p.m.


The Board reviewed the minutes of the June 16, 2009 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes was made, seconded and unanimously approved.


There were no homeowners present


Linda Moore, constable liaison was unable to attend the meeting and no report was given at the meeting.


Dave Ellis presented the financials as of June 30, 2009. The money in the bank totaled $466,709.32. This includes checking, money market accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets.

Dave Ellis reported that a CD matured on July 16, 2009 and he would advise the Board to open another one for either a twelve or eighteen month period in the amount of $50,000.00.  A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to purchase the new CD and to allow Dave to decide on the maturity based on the interest rates available and the effect of using an eighteen month maturity on the existing CD ladder. As the ICON Bank has rates that are more than double those being offered by our previous supplier of CDs, it was agreed that the new CD would be obtained from this bank.

As of June 30, 2009 delinquencies totaled $33,472.44. For the month of June the amount collected was $5,0356.83. Trash has been terminated to all delinquent owners


Graffiti Shield – Mark Molsberry reported that due to the extreme heat he will delay the purchase and installation of the graffiti shield to September or October. The Board discussed the possibility that Thompson water seal might have the same end results as the graffiti shield product. Mark Molsberry will investigate and possibly try this product on some old brick.  

Car Park and Hoyt Tree Trimming – Lance Gordon reported he has been unable to trim the trees. He has now scheduled this for the first of second week of August.

Flooding Issues Committee Report – Dave Ellis reported that the MUD #61 Board has commissioned their engineer to obtain firm estimates to implement the strategies most likely to minimize future flooding that might result from future exceptional storms. These will be presented at the next MUD meeting. The discussion is underway about who will pay for the needed work, whether it should be Harris County or the Municipal Utility District (MUD). The money is not in the budget of the MUD.

Playground Equipment Committee Report – Cliff Johnson reported he has met with four (4) contractors. He presented the Board with several options on the playground. The costs should run between $20,000.00 and $28,000.00. The committee should have their final recommendations at the August Board Meeting.

Umbrella Repairs - Dave Ellis received and installed the clips for the umbrellas from the company that repaired them at the end of last year. There were also two (2) cords that were broken which he has also replaced. Lance Gordon will make arrangements to check and repair as necessary the stands used to secure the umbrellas so that they can all be put back into service.

2009 Reserve Study – Dave Ellis reminded the Board Members of the need for each of them to review the reserve study and the analysis of expenditures and cash flow over the next 20 years that he presented at the May meeting.

Carters Grove Dead Tree – Lance Gordon has been unable to obtain another quote for removing the dead tree.  Marks Molsberry volunteered to obtain another quote for the August meeting.

Pool Notice Board Update – The Board reviewed the pool rules and made final changes.  Dave Ellis will prepare the wording and send to the Board for final approval.

MUD data on WSMA web site - Dave Ellis reported he has set up pages on the web site for both MUD 61 and 62.  Everything except the MUD Board member’s contact information has been posted on the page for MUD 61. MUD 62 has agreed to provide similar information to that for MUD 61 which will be posted as soon as it has been received. In both cases, the important information is considered to be their meeting agendas and minutes.

Records Retention Policy - The Board discussed the records retention policy. Cliff Johnson suggested that to simplify the record retention process consideration be given to having the documents scanned and stored electronically and volunteered to research the cost for scanning the paper copies currently in storage in the clubhouse attic. If the cost to scan them is reasonable, the Board will consider setting up a working party to sort the documents into the appropriate categories for scanning. This will be addressed at the January meeting with the intent of reviewing and sorting the documents in February when the attic temperature is more conducive to accessing the files.


Directory – Dave Ellis asked the Board if it felt that it would be prudent to have a new directory published every two (2) years instead of every four (4) years which as been the practice in the past.  Some Board members felt that a 3 year update would be adequate. Dave will forward to the Board members the data on the number of changes there have been since the last publication in April 2008 so that a decision can be reached on whether the next update should be in 2010 or 2011. The process that will be used for the next update will rely on inserting a customized sheet into the envelope that is sent out with the annual maintenance fee invoice in October. So if the directory is to be updated in 2010, a decision would have to be made in adequate time to have the inserts produced and printed prior to that mailing.

At this time the Board adjourned to executive session to discuss delinquencies and deed restriction matters. 

With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.