ADJOURNMENTA meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, February 18, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.
Board Members present were Floyd Ball, Gail Owens, Walt Smith, Michael Wood, Martin Spears, Dave Ellis and Larry Crain. Also, in attendance were Officer Felchak and Dolores Sue representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI).
With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.
The Board reviewed the minutes of the January 21, 2014 Board meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Walt Smith, seconded by Michael Wood and unanimously approved.
There were no homeowners present. .
Martin Spears presented the patrol service report. There was one (1) burglary this last month.
Dave Ellis presented the financials. As of January 31, 2014, the money in the bank totaled $845,918.69. This includes checking, savings accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets. Dave Ellis reported there had been a transfer of $100,000.00 from the New First Operating Account to the Capital One Account where it will earn more interest until it is required later in the year. One CD at ICON bank matured and has now been renewed.
Delinquency for the month ending January 31, 2014 was $136,000.00.
Status on Repairs to Carter’s Grove Monument - The Board was informed by Recovery Service International (RSI) that the insured of the vehicle that damaged the monument filed a theft report in the proper fashion. Therefore, the owner of the vehicle was not held responsible for damages to the monument and no further recovery for these damages will be possible from the owner and the file has been closed.
Call for Candidates for Annual Meeting - Homeowners interested in declaring their candidacy for a position on the Board of Directors have until March 18, 2014 to submit their name for it to be included on the mailed ballot. None have been received to date.
Pool Memo - The pool is usually open on Memorial Day, but this year KISD is using that day to make up instruction time that was lost due to bad weather earlier in the month. Dave Ellis has discussed the situation with the pool company which has confirmed that it will be unable to obtain lifeguards during the school hours and will refund the guard rate for the hours when the pool can’t be opened.
After some discussion of alternatives a motion to open the pool on Memorial Day at 4:00 p.m. after school is out and stay open one hour longer until 9:00 p.m. on that day was made by Martin Spears, seconded by Michael Wood and unanimously approved.
Urban Wildlife Presentation - Nora Cortino from 911 Wildlife explained to the Board that her company provides advice for homeowners on steps they can take to minimize the impact on their homes of wildlife, such as raccoons, skunks, bats, etc., such as we have in this area. This company specializes in making properties uninviting for wildlife. When a homeowner does have a specific problem her company can be engaged to solve it and offers a ten (10) year guarantee on its work. Mrs. Cortino offered to make a presentation on this subject to our residents and to let them know of the service that her company can provide for homeowners who have specific problems. The Board of Directors felt that this subject would be of interest to some of our residents as a public service and Michael Wood will work with Mrs. Cortino to establish a date for the presentation. The Board thanked Mrs. Cortino for attending the meeting.
Bicycle Rodeo Safety Fair - Michael Wood introduced Arthur Moskowitz from Bicycle World who will be staging the upcoming Bicycle Rodeo Safety Fair. Both Michael Wood and Arthur Moskowitz have communicated with the Winborn Elementary School Principal who has agreed that the school will join with our Association in being a co-sponsor of this event. The Bicycle Rodeo Fair has now been scheduled for May 17, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and will be held in the parking lot of Winborn Elementary School. Flyers will be sent home with the elementary school children to advertise this event. The fair includes safety and mechanical checks on all bicycles and helmets, and a riding course will be set up to provide instruction on safe riding techniques both for the individual and how they should ride when in a group. Children will also be taught how to secure the bicycle when the destination is reached. Bicycle World provides free water and there is no cost to the Association or the participants. The Board thanked Mr. Moskowitz and looks forward to a great event.
Contracts up for Renewal - The electrical contract will be expiring in September, 2014, but that is so far in the future no action is required at present.
Possible Fining on Deed Restriction Violations - The Board deferred this issue for further consideration.
Landscape – Cul-de-Sac Tree Trimming - Larry Crain informed the Board that there are eleven (11) trees in various cul-de-sacs that are in need of trimming. He has obtained a quotation of $720.00 from The Garcia Tree Company for the required work. Larry Crain made a motion that the Board accept this proposal. The motion was seconded by Dave Ellis and unanimously approved.
Pool Repairs - The Board reviewed a proposal from Houston Recreational Management to replace the two lifeguard platform stands at the pool, both of which are cracked and pose a hazard. The cost for replacing each is $650.00 but Houston Recreation will give a $45.00 discount if both are changed at the same time, making the total cost for the two to be $1,255.00. A motion to accept the proposal was made by Dave Ellis, seconded by Larry Crain and unanimously approved.
Homeowner Request - The Board had received a request from a homeowner asking the Board to change the start time of its monthly meetings to 7:00 p.m. The Board unanimously agreed that unless there is more evidence of resident interest in such a change the meeting start time will remain at 5:30 p.m.
At 6:19 p.m. the Board adjourned to executive session to hold a hearing, discuss deed restrictions, collections and other matters.
A resident had requested a hearing with the Board concerning a hobby being performed from his home. The resident was unable to attend. However, the Board reviewed the request and unanimously agreed that it does not approve or disapprove of hobbies so long as they do not violate deed restrictions.
The board reviewed a complaint from a resident stating that their neighbor was renting out rooms and the vehicles owned by the multiple residents are causing a traffic problem. The Board instructed PCMI to send a letter to the owner explaining there has been a complaint and that renting out rooms is in violation of our deed restrictions and cannot be allowed to continue.
A homeowner sent an e-mail complaining about the deed restriction violation letters received asking that stains be removed from the brick on part of the home. The homeowner asked for a list of all addresses that had been sent similar letters. The Board instructed PCMI to thank the owner for clearing other violations and although there is some subjectivity involved, in the opinion of the Board of Directors the stains on the home are unsightly and in hence violation of Article 20. For privacy reasons no other addresses will be shared with the homeowner, just the same as the Association would not share this address with others.
Deed Restrictions - The Board reviewed the deed restriction list from the inspections performed February 3, 2014. There were one hundred fourteen (114) violations noted. No new accounts will be sent to the attorney this month. The Association attorney requested further instructions on one violation. The Board tabled this issue until next month and no further instructions were given at this time.
One violation at the Association attorney has been addressed by the homeowner and has now been closed.
Barking Dogs - A letter was reviewed from residents complaining about a home with barking dogs. The Board instructed PCMI to ask the residents to contact the sheriff and to let it know when this has been done.
Delinquency - Mr. Ball explained that the Association has received $7,000.00 in past due assessments within the last week. Demand letters will be sent after 2/28/14 to all residents who have not paid in full or who are not on an approved written payment plan. The first payment must be received by PCMI to be on such a plan.
Increasing Patrol Hours - In light of increased crime in the neighborhoods surrounding our subdivision, Martin Spears, the security liaison, requested an increase in patrol hours. The proposal would cost the Association in excess of $16,000 per year, which was not included in the 2014 budget. Although this proposal will result in the Association running a deficit for the year and a probable increase in next year’s maintenance fee in the order of $22 per home, a motion to accept the proposal was made by Martin Spears and seconded by Walter Smith. The motion passed with five votes in favor, one director voting against it and one director abstaining.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. The next meeting will be March 18, 2014 at the community clubhouse.