The Annual Meeting of Member of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.
Board Members present were Dave Ellis, CO Holt, Jim Calvert, James Kelley, and Bill Petry.
Also, in attendance was Cindy Bojé, representing Crest Management.
A quorum was qualified by representation in person and/or by proxy of ninety-four (94) members. With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M.
The minutes of the March 16, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting were presented, and a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved to accept the minutes as written.
The next item on the agenda was the election of four (4) directors. Two positions will each be for a three (3) year term and two positions will be to fill two director vacancies the terms of which expire in 2023. There were two (2) candidates on the ballot, CO Holt and Dave Ellis. The floor was opened for nominations. There were no nominations from the floor and a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved to close nominations from the floor. With no further nominations, a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved to elect the two candidates by acclamation. CO and Dave will serve until 2024. The vacant positions remain open and when filled the appointments will be announced at a later Board meeting.
The next item on the agenda was the Association financial report, a copy of which was included in the members’ packets. The report was presented by Dave Ellis, the Treasurer. He reminded those present that the Association budgets for both the annual operating expenses and to fund the periodic replacement of the Association’s infrastructure as items reach the end of their operating lives and that the funds are maintained and managed in two separate accounts for this purpose. He presented the 2020 budget followed by the financial results for the year showing performance compared with that predicted and explained how a reserve study is update annually to compute the required contribution to the capital reserve.
He concluded by stating that the Association’s finances are in excellent health. 2020 was closed out with a surplus in excess of $60K due primarily to the termination of the HOA funded security patrols, and a capital reserve funding level of 102%.
CO Holt informed the members that the Association has completed several projects this year including the replacement of the lighting in the clubhouse big room and exterior hallway and replacement of the pool diving board. New Christmas decorations were also purchased and installed. CO stated that, as could be seen by the attendees, the clubhouse suffered major damages during the freeze and the Association is working with approved contractors to return it to service as soon as possible. As the kitchen was badly impacted the opportunity is being taken to bring forward a planned upgrade to include replacing the aging kitchen appliances. The big room repairs will include replacing the carpet and vinyl tiles and also the installation of sound absorbing panels on the big room walls to improve the acoustics. Future planned projects include adding Wi-Fi capability and enhancements to our security surveillance system.
At this time, there was a general question and answer period covering various topics including the Association’s savings from the removal of the HOA funded security to cover Association ongoing expenses and gratitude to the MUD Board for installing generators at their plants.
The Annual Meeting was adjourned at 7:46 P.M. and those residents interested were invited to stay to attend to a Board meeting to immediately follow at which Association officers would be elected and responsibilities assigned.
The meeting was opened, and nominations for the various positions were made and voted on.
The resulting officer assignments and responsibilities were as follows.
President – C.O. Holt
Vice President – Bill Petry
Secretary/Treasurer – Dave Ellis
Other Directors:
Director – Jim Calvert
Director – James Kelley
Director – Vacant
Director – Vacant
Subcommittee Chairs:
Architectural Review Committee – Jim Calvert
Deed Restriction and Yard-of-the-Month – Jim Calvert
Landscaping and Board Meeting Room Setup – Bill Petry
Flag Maintenance and Perimeter Fence – James Kelley
Email Communications, Website, and Recreation Area Operation and Maintenance – Dave Ellis
Community Events – Tabled until a full Board is in place.
Meeting Signs – James Kelley
New Resident Welcoming Committee oversight – Dave Ellis
The following motions were made and approved by email vote since the last board meeting:
Approval of the contract for acoustic panel installation by Sound and Pixel in the
amount of $3,690.
Approval of new kitchen appliances from Home Depot in the amount of $1,809.
Approval of the mold remediation contract addition to Spears Renovations in the
amount of $6,829.20.
Approval to remove two dead trees from Vobe Court due to the freeze by JJ Garcia
in the amount of $2,100.
Possible Sharing of replacement cost of fences bordering the common area – The Board discussed, and Jim Calvert stated he will review a homeowner’s survey to determine whether a fence to be replaced is solely on the homeowner’s property. Cindy B. stated that she would look to see if the plat maps show this information.
Possible actions to be taken to address the AirBnb and other “nuisance” situations – The Board discussed and stated that in accordance with the legal opinion received from the Association attorney it will request the Association’s attorney to draft rules and regulations that limit and/or prohibit short-term leases.
Upcoming contract expirations – These include the Association insurance and trash contracts. The Board agreed that they were satisfied with both companies and there was not a need to obtain competitive pricing at this time.
Deed restriction issues requiring decisions – Jim Calvert discussed various issues with the Board. An email will be sent to Jill R. with a copy to Cindy B., instructing her on the direction requested from the Board.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
The next Board meeting will be Tuesday, May 18, 2021.