A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.
Board Members present were Dave Ellis, Walter Smith, Martin Spears, Larry Crain, Floyd Ball and Don McClelland. Also in attendance was Dolores Sue representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI) and Officer Wayne Felchak.
With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m.
The Board reviewed the minutes of the September 20, 2011 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Walter Smith seconded by Dave Ellis and unanimously approved. Minutes attached as Exhibit “B”.
There were four (4) homeowners present for various portions of the meeting.
A resident stated she had a concern as to why the perimeter fence is being repaired by volunteers. She sees the financials in every newsletter and wondered why that money is not being spent to hire a professional fence company. The Board explained that the cost to have the fence replaced by a contractor at this time would exceed the total funds currently available in the reserve account leaving nothing for the other items of our infrastructure – such as the re-plastering of the pool which is about to take place. The volunteers are working to extend the life of the existing fence while additional funds are being accumulated in the reserve so that when sections have to be replaced there will be money available for a professional contractor to perform the work.
Martin Spears presented the patrol service report He expressed his satisfaction of the service being provided.
At this time the Board re-arranged the agenda as the roofing contractor was present. The Board had contacted Mr. Osborn from FairClaims Roofing to inspect the clubhouse and pool building roofs for wind damage as there is currently a water stain on the ceiling of the Big Room. Mr. Osborn determined that there is enough damage to warrant an insurance claim. The insurance company was contacted and a claim was submitted. Mr. Osborn made a second visit when the insurance adjuster came to inspect the roofs and was successful in getting the adjuster to agree to the damage and the claim was subsequently approved. Mr. Osborn was invited to provide a bid for the replacement work and was able to offer a complete replacement for the $18,347.94 that will be received from the insurance company. Thus if his bid is accepted this work will be performed at no out-of-pocket cost to the Association. Dave Ellis explained that Willis insurance was very supportive in getting the claim resolved quickly. The Board asked how long the roofing job would take. Mr. Osborn stated that the roofs can be replaced in two days. However, as the contract will also include repainting the big room ceiling, additional time will need to be allowed. The Board thanked him for coming to the meeting.
Dave Ellis presented the financials. As of September 30, 2011 the money in the bank totaled $462,209.58. This includes checking, savings accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets.
Delinquency for the month ending September 30, 2011 totaled $35,829.01.
Perimeter Fence Repair - Larry Crain presented the Board with a quote for materials needed for the volunteer repairs. This quote did not include coated screws. The total was $1,288.67. He also explained he has received replies from eleven (11) volunteers, who will work on repairing the fence on Saturday, October 22, 2011, beginning at 8:00 a.m; the volunteers will be meeting behind the Mobile station off Earl of Dunmore and Mason Road. A motion to accept the quoted price for the materials and the extra for the coated screws was made by Walt Smith, seconded by Don McClelland and unanimously approved.
The homeowners who are on email distribution will be advised so that pets can be secured while the fence work is in progress.
Two Perimeter Fence Repair Agreements whereby homeowners request permission to repair their section of the perimeter fence were submitted for two (2) addresses on Abby Aldrich. A motion to accept the agreements was made by Walt Smith, seconded by Larry Crain and unanimously approved.
Update on Trees and Shrubs - Larry Crain informed the Board that the tree trimming and dead tree removal has been completed. Dave Ellis mentioned that he would like more foliage trimmed from the trees that border Hoyt as there are still some branches that are obstructing the tennis court lights.
Basketball Court Striping - Floyd Ball reported that the basketball court has been striped using the stencil that was purchased thus closing out this task. Floyd thanked volunteer Raul Moreno and Dave Ellis for handling this. Additional paint is available to strip the lines around the court. Dave reported that the timer switch for the new lights has been broken and will shortly be replaced.
Pool and Baby pool Re-plastering - Martin Spears presented three (3) proposals for the re-plastering of our pool, baby pool and repair of the deck expansion joints. The proposals were from Lone Star, Hancock Pool Services, and Pools by Dallas. The proposals came in between $31,065.00 and $38,512.50. Martin explained that he has not yet had time to check the references so a motion was made by Larry Crain to allow Martin Spears to make a recommendation to Dave Ellis and Larry Crain, the other subcommittee members,
for expenditure not to exceed $34,000.00 for the selection one of the three companies following his checking of references. The motion was seconded by Walt Smith and unanimously approved.
Document Update - Dave Ellis reported that all new documents necessary to bring WSMA into compliance with the 2011 legislation and which the Board has authority to approve have been completed. These documents are now published on a new Governing Documents page on our web site and are at the Association attorney for preparation of the updated Management certificate and filing with the County as is required by the new law.
Landscape Contract - As the existing landscaping contract with IMS expires at the end of October, Larry Crain has solicited competing bids from a number of companies. Of these companies, three (3) submitted bids which Larry presented at the meeting. These were from IMS Landscape, Superior Lawn Care and Texas Lawn Care. The IMS bid was the most expensive.
After much discussion, Larry Crain made a motion to accept the proposal from Texas Lawn Care for the cost of $25,514 per year. This motion was seconded by Walt Smith and unanimously approved. As there is a 30 day termination clause in the existing contract it was agreed that the new contract should begin December 1, 2011.
Clubhouse Roof - Because the FairClaims Roofing Company worked with the Association and the insurance adjuster and is prepared to perform the roof replacement project at no cost to the Association the Board felt there was no need to seek additional proposals. A motion to accept the contract in the amount of $18,347.94 from FairClaims Roofing Company, was made by Larry Crain seconded by Walt Smith and unanimously approved.
Clubhouse Repair - This issue was tabled until the November 15, 2011 meeting.
Playground Area Picnic Table - The Board discussed the possible replacement of the bike rack closest to the playground with a new picnic table. With this approach new table would be located on the existing concrete pad. It was agreed that the bike rack bordering Hoyt provides sufficient capacity for the bikes that are brought to the recreation area and thus there would be no problem in discarding second bike rack. Floyd Ball will be taking proposals for a new picnic table.
Yard of the Month - Floyd Ball explained that due to the sensitive information that needs to be revealed as to whether a potential winner of the Yard-of-the-Month award is in good standing with the Association the person responsible for administering this program should be a member of the Board. There had been some prior discussion of this issue and Board member Cyndy Thompson has agreed to take over this task from Leta Whisenhunt. This transition was accepted by the Board. Floyd expressed his appreciation to Leta for her service as Yard-of-the-Month administrator.
Contracts - Floyd Ball reported that the pool service contract will soon be up for renewal and asked Dave Ellis to seek competitive bids for this service for 2012.
Holiday Decorations - Martin Spears made the observation that the decorations we have used for many years at our entrances during the holiday season are in rather bad shape and need to be replaced. He suggested that this would be a great opportunity to seek some volunteers to suggest what would be appropriate and to take on the responsibility for procuring replacement decorations and subsequently installing them on the entrance monuments. Martin will draft an email for Dave Ellis to transmit to the residents seeking volunteers for this task with the objective of having a proposal for Board approval of the necessary funds by the November 15, 2011 Board meeting.
At 7:20 p.m. the Board adjourned to executive session to discuss Delinquencies, Deed restriction matters and contracts.
Delinquencies - The Board reviewed the delinquent report and disposition of same.
Deed Restriction Violations - The Board reviewed the deed restriction inspection edit list and the disposition of same.
At this time the Board reconvened to open session to inform residents of decisions made during executive session. There were no homeowners present.
There were fourteen (14) accounts to which the Association had sent notices and received no responses. One of those has a sale pending and one had written an NSF check. The Board instructed the Association attorney to proceed with collection of all accounts currently at their offices for collection.
Deed Restriction Violations
The Board instructed PCMI to send reminder notices to six (6) residents for repeated violations. The Board instructed PCMI to send one (1) violation to the Association attorney.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. The next meeting will be November 15, 2011.