A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 at 3:15 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449. The regular 4:00 p.m. open meeting was preceded by the Executive session, which began at 3:15 p.m.
Directors in Attendance were Sue Dean Smith, Stefanie Falk, Dave Ellis, Alan Blair, Don McClelland and Richard Erbert. Also in attendance was Dolores Sue representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI)
A quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 3:15 p.m.
The Board held the executive first to discuss all legal matters in regard to deed restriction violations and maintenance fee collection.
The Board reviewed the September 21, 2004 minutes. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to accept the minutes as written.
The security coordinator presented the constable report.
There were four homeowners present. These homeowners, who were representing the Diane Winborn Elementary School Playground Committee, presented a proposal for an upgrade to the school playground facilities with the objective of getting some financial help from the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. They began by thanking the Board for allowing them to attend and present their proposal. They explained that due to all of the recent new school constructions, KISD does not have the funds available to upgrade their playground and they feel that the enhancements they are proposing would be a significant asset, not only to the school, but also to all residents of the subdivision. They are thus pursuing a number of avenues to acquire funding for five specific projects which, if implemented, would bring the facilities in the Settlement closer to those in many of our surrounding neighborhoods.
The projects they are proposing and their associated cost estimates are as follows:
Install a walking track 1168 lf x 5 ft = 5840 square feet - approximately $25,400
Install new Pre K - First Grade Playground area - approximately $12,000
General Leveling of Playground Area - Volunteers
Install New Playground equipment in supplement with existing equipment Cost range between $8,000 to $20,000.
Install New Plastic borders to replace deteriorated wood borders and fill new bordered area with mulch. The cost for the borders is $8,000 and the cost of the mulch is estimated at $4,000, for a total cost of $12,000. This item is probably the most important as the existing wood used in this equipment contacts arsenic.
In effect, the playground committee is looking for donations for these projects from the Association, as it believes such enhancements at the school would be a great benefit to the subdivision as a whole. This is particularly so since the children in Williamsburg Settlement use the school playground because the facilities provided at the Clubhouse are designed for younger children. They also feel very strongly that as the subdivision has no sidewalks, the walking track would be a great benefit to our adult resident. They also wanted to see if anyone from the Board would be willing to serve on their committee and assist them in their fund-raising activities.
The Board explained that although it applauds the pro-active efforts by the playground committee, it is not currently in a financial position to donate any money to their cause, even if it were legally able to do so, bearing in mind that the school is KISD property and not covered by WSMA jurisdiction or funding. The Board will, however be glad to put an article in the newsletter and on the web site to inform the residents of this effort and to seek their support.
The Board thanked the owners for attending the meeting.
The Board reviewed the financials for the month of September, 2004. The total delinquency was $22,111.93 and the money in the bank was $230,588.82. This includes checking and money market accounts and is the money to cover both operating expenses for the year 2004 and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association's capital assets.
Clubhouse Repairs - Mr. Blair reported that the repairs have been completed with the exception of a small "punch list" of items that will be cleared this week. He also mentioned there is some rotten wood on the dormer windows at the clubhouse and presented a proposal for their repair. Mr. Erbert volunteered to pursue this issue and report back to the Board.
Lights at Tennis Court - Mr. Ellis reported that he is working on the feasibility of exchanging the lights from the 1500- Watt tungsten halogen tennis court floodlights with 400-Watt metal halide high intensity discharge lights. Such a change out would provide considerable savings in both energy cost and maintenance while providing the same or improved illumination. Completion of the analysis is awaiting cost figures for the new fixtures and their installation.
Billings - The Board is reviewing an insert for inclusion with the 2005 maintenance fee invoices. Mr. Blair would like it specifically noted in the insert that the fees did not go up again this year and that the Association is operating at a deficit. Sue Dean Smith will work with Alan on the wording or a chart to be included.
Pool Contract - Mr. Blair and Mrs. Smith are working on the final details for the new pool contract after which PCMI will request proposals. Mr. Blair indicated that there were three specific companies he wanted to bid on the contract.
With no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.