A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.
Board Members present were Floyd Ball, Gail Owen, Martin Spears and Dave Ellis. Also, in attendance were Officer Paul Wilburn and Dolores Sue representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI).
With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:32 p.m.
The Board reviewed the minutes of the February 19, 2013 and April 16, Annual and Board meetings. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Martin Spears, seconded by Gail Owen and unanimously approved.
There were four (4) homeowners present.
Martin Spears presented the patrol service report. He reported that there have been two (2) burglaries within the last thirty (30) days and that he is working closely with Officer Wilburn and as a result of these incidents the patrol schedules have been adjusted. He reminded everyone to call the sheriff’s department to report anything they see which is out of the ordinary.
Dave Ellis presented the financials. As of April 30, 2013, the money in the bank totaled $774,888.22. This includes checking, savings accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets.
Delinquency for the month ending April 30, 2013, 2013 totaled $ 30,441.24
Contracts up for Renewal in June - Floyd Ball reported that there are three contracts up for renewal. These are for the solid waste collection, insurance and the PCMI Management Contract.
Waste Corporation of Texas - Waste Corporation submitted a proposal for a renewal of its three (3) year contract with no increase in price for the first year. In so doing it is foregoing the annual Consumer Price Index for Garbage Collection Services increase which this year would have been over 5%. As in previous contracts the price is subject to review and possible increase in accordance with this CPI at the beginning of the second and third years. The Board is very happy with the performance of the company and feels that the monthly price of $19.37 per home is reasonable for the services it provides. Therefore a motion was made by Dave Ellis to accept the contract renewal with Waste Corporation. The motion was seconded by Gail Owen and unanimously approved.
Insurance - The Board reviewed the proposal from Willis Insurance. This company has provided excellent service in the past and as recently as last month worked closely with the Association in expediting payout on a claim to replace part of our perimeter fence which was damaged by high winds. Each year it reviews our coverage and recommends carriers which can provide us with the most favorable terms. As a result of this process its renewal proposal was $296 less than last year. Therefore, a motion was made by Dave Ellis to accept the insurance renewal with Willis Insurance for a cost of $19,348.00. The motion was seconded by Gail Owen and unanimously approved.
Planned Community Management (PCMI) - Floyd Ball explained that PCMI has not had an increase since 2007. The contract is currently on an evergreen basis which means that it just continues and rolls over to the following year unless the Board decides to make a change. Dave Ellis made a motion to continue with PCMI, Gail Owen seconded and the motion unanimously passed.
Land located at Bucktrout and Carters Grove - Floyd Ball reminded the Board of the request by a resident to have the Association replace the grass on the east side of the Carters Grove entrance between Colonial Parkway and Bucktrout. If the Association would plant grass in this area the resident has volunteered to water it as it is not irrigated by sprinklers. The estimate for two (2) pallets of grass is $697.13. There is a concern about the ability of grass to grow successfully in part of that area due to the shade provided by a large tree.. A motion was made by Martin Spears, seconded by Gail Owen and unanimously approved to have Larry Crain, the Board member in charge of landscaping, work with the Association landscape company to investigate planting of grass for a price not to exceed $700.00.
Status on new PCMI program - VMS (Village Management System) - PCMI is in the process of converting its accounting and management systems to a new platform called Village Management System (VMS). As our Association was the first to undergo the transition there were quite a few issues that had to be worked through. But Floyd Ball reported that PCMI has been diligently working with him and Dave Ellis and at this point it appears that the major issues have been resolved. When the transition is complete this system will provide improved services to both the Board and the residents.
Board’s Position on Lifeguard Age - A homeowner asked if the minimum age limit restriction for lifeguarding at the pool could have an exception made for a lifeguard who is sixteen (16) and lives in the subdivision. This lifeguard who worked at our pool last year was an asset to the community on occasions when the other guards who did not live in the subdivision had extenuating circumstances that prevented them from arriving on time.
The Board explained the reason they raised the age limit was that there seemed to be an immaturity issues such as guards sleeping and a lot of cell phone usage. The Board did express some sympathy with the request, however, and there was general agreement that this restriction could be revisited to allow lifeguards who are not yet 18 but living in the subdivision to be performing the guard duties.
A motion was made by Martin Spears, seconded by Dave Ellis that the Board revisit the contract in regard to the minimum age of 18 years for lifeguards living in the Settlement and the motion unanimously passed.
It was pointed out the pool contract is with the pool company and even if the Association rescinds the age limit it will be the pool company’s decision as to whether to hire them and confirm that they meet all requirements.
Report on Municipal Utility District Number 61 (MUD 61) – May 2, 2013 meeting concerning flood issues - At this time the Board introduced Mr. Wheeler BeMent, resident of Williamsburg Settlement and President of the MUD 61. Wheeler reported on the options that were presented at the May 2 “town hall meeting” of MUD 61 residents to address the flooding caused in April 2009 and to hear and discuss residents’ concerns on the way forward. He described the 4 options that were presented, the first three designed to address a 100 year storm event:
Add an additional 72” drainage pipe along Bucktrout from Abby Aldrich to Carters Grove at an approximate cost of $1.1 million. There would be no tax increase for this project
Install a 72” pipe outside the perimeter fence along the rear of the Bucktrout homes where most flooding occurred, crossing Colonial Parkway and draining directly into the retention pond. Associated with this, the MUD would purchase two (2) homes, and install a green area. The approximate cost of this approach would be $850 thousand. This project would also not increase the tax rate.
Completely rehab the entire storm sewer over a 10 year period bringing it up to the current code and making it more efficient in handling major storm events. The cost of this option would be in the range of $10 million and would require an increase in the tax rate for the district.
Do nothing.
For more details of these alternatives Mr. BeMent referred the meeting to the MUD#61 web site www.hcmud61.org/index.html.
There will be another MUD 61 Board meeting next week. The MUD 61 board has given authority to have a hydraulic study for the neighborhood performed to more accurately evaluate the merits of option 2.
Smart Systems - At this time a resident expressed her concerns about the smart meter issues. She presented the Board and the residents present at the meeting with information concerning smart meters and the possible health dangers that these meters could present to residents. The Board thanked this resident for the information.
Tables needed for pool area - Dave Ellis reported that there is a need for two (2) new picnic tables in the pool area to replace those that have deteriorated as a result of corrosion. A motion was made by Dave Ellis to purchase replacement tables, in Hunter Green to better match the color of the clubhouse trim and pool furniture, at a cost of $199.00 each plus tax. The motion was seconded by Martin Spears and unanimously approved.
At this time the Board thanked the residents for attending the meeting.
At 6:38 p.m. the Board adjourned to executive session to discuss delinquencies and deed restriction matters.
Delinquency - There were twenty (20) delinquent homeowners turned over to the Association attorney for collection of past due fees. There are several accounts being watched very closely and if no payment is made soon legal action will be taken.
Deed Restrictions - The Board reviewed violations noted from PCMI.
Parking at Intersections - The Board is going to review intersections where parking of vehicles on both sides of our streets is causing safety hazards and will ask the County to consider installing No-Parking signs in these areas. On completion of the review, PCMI will send a request to the County.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. The next meeting will be June 18, 2013.