A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, May 19, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.
Directors in attendance were Brian Boggs, Dave Ellis, Don McClelland, Cliff Johnson, Lance Gordon, Linda Moore and Mark Molsberry. Also in attendance, representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI), was Dolores Sue.
A quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m.
The Board reviewed the minutes of the April 21, 2009 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes was made, seconded and unanimously approved.
There were fourteen (14) homeowners present. Homeowners who attended were concerned about the recent flooding in the neighborhood. The consensus opinion was that since the detention pond was built, water drainage from our subdivision has declined. The result of this was that during the heavy rain on April 27 and 28th twenty-four (24) property owners reported water in their homes. It is believed that there were quite a few more than this as some flooded homes have not been reported. Further, over recent months some homeowners have been flooded two or more times. The Board contacted Channel 13 television station to obtain the official amount rain that occurred when the homes were flooded. The television station stated there was approximately six to eight inches (6” to 8”), which is less that the ten inches (10”) that has been estimated previously. The Board reported they are currently researching to obtain the plans for the subdivision to determine what the elevations are in the neighborhood to assess how much the drainage is affected by the elevated level of water in the pond during such a rain event. There was also discussion that the situation may be aggravated by the storm sewers being obstructed as a result of residents blowing grass clippings and other items down the drains.
A homeowner reported that he attend the Municipal utility District (MUD) Number 61 Board meeting and voiced the concerns over the severe flooding problem in the neighborhood. The Board of Directors of the MUD explained they will put this issue on the agenda for their next meeting and will obtain information from the engineer and designer of the detention pond.
At this time Dave Ellis read a portion of a letter he had received from a representative of the MUD stating it has asked the MUD district engineer to gather information along with that from the County Flood Control District and will discuss this at their next Board meeting. When the facts are known then there could be a group meeting with representatives of the parties concerned and the engineers from the responsible organizations to try to arrive at a corrective action to alleviate this flooding problem.
The Board supports all the efforts of homeowners on this issue. It was discussed that putting together a committee and having homeowners get together and speaking as one voice would be a good idea. The Board will discuss possibly having one or two Board members serve on such a committee.
The Board thanked all the residents for attending the meeting, at which point many left.
At this time one homeowner explained that she was relatively new to the Settlement and that she appreciated the work being done by the Board. However, she has some issues with what she sees as a few problems in the neighborhood to which she wanted to draw the Board’s attention
People walking their dogs and allowing them to defecate in neighbors’ yards. She would like an article placed in the newsletter to remind pet owners to be courteous to their neighbors and exercise better control of their pets.
Groups of young people walking late at night. Do their parents know where their children are?
Finding mailboxes open when arriving home in the afternoon.
She wanted to know if the deputies patrol at night – the Board explained that they do, but their time is shared between the Settlement and the Colony.
She lives behind the tennis courts and when she moved in the wind screens were not in place. She does not like the wind screens and requested they be removed as she does not see them as a necessity. It was explained the tennis courts have always had the screens. However they were temporarily removed to prevent damage prior to the hurricane and not put back because of the major tennis court refurbishing that was about to begin. The Board stated that the tennis players feel that the screens are beneficial and as they are new they will stay in place.
6. Her home did not flood during the recent heavy rain, however, because the tennis courts absorb no water, every time it rains water runs through her back yard and washes away some of the landscaping that she has recently added. The Board explained that when the new courts were installed it was carefully laid out so that the bulk of the rain water would drain to the street.
She offered some solutions to the problem: Put a large PVC pipe and cut it in half and help it to drain to the street; Attach a flat plastic material against the homeowners’ fence; Use rolled edging and put it inside the chain link fence.
The Board will consider her issues and suggestions and thanked her for attending the meeting.
The Board unanimously agreed that the officers for the next 12 months will be as follows:
Lance Gordon – President
Don McClelland – Vice President
Dave Ellis – Secretary/Treasurer
Assignments of responsibilities are as follows:
Lance Gordon – Perimeter fence maintenance, tennis court maintenance, landscaping, flags and swim team liaison.
Don McClelland – Architectural Review Chairperson
Dave Ellis – Communications (Website and Newsletter), Electrical Repairs and Keys
Linda Moore – Constable Liaison, Deed Restrictions, Clubhouse Rental and Holiday Decoration Contest Chairperson
Brian Boggs – Clubhouse Maintenance and pool maintenance.
Cliff Johnson – Assist other Board members as the need arises and handle special assignments.
Linda Moore, constable liaison, presented the constable report. Dave Ellis reported he has noted that some of the vehicles left on the street overnight have been egged.
Dave Ellis presented the financials as of April 30, 2009. The money in the bank totaled $552,974.45. This includes checking, money market accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets. Dave Ellis reported there was a $50,000 CD that has matured and he would advise the Board to open another one for a twelve month period. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to purchase the new CD. Dave Ellis will investigate if a better interest rate can be obtained from a different bank than the one we are currently using. If so, he was authorized to take out the CD from the bank that can offer the better rate
As of April 30, 2009 delinquencies totaled $50,085.69.
Constable Issues from annual meeting – Linda Moore reported she has addressed with the deputies problems such as parking too close to stop signs, speeding in the neighborhood and visibility in the community.
Graffiti Shield – The Board discussed installing the graffiti shield on the entrance marquee signs. Mark Molsberry was authorized to pursue this issue and was given unanimous approval to purchase the required materials up to a cost not to exceed $1,400.00.
Tree Trimming – Dave Ellis presented six (6) proposals for trimming of the three trees that are overhanging the tennis courts. The proposals ranged from $975.00 to $395.00. After evaluating the proposals and checking the Better Business Bureau and references, Dave Ellis recommended using JMA Tree Services for a cost of $455.00. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved that JMA Tree Service be given the contract for this work.
Dead Pine Tree off Colonial Parkway – A homeowner asked about the dead pine tree just outside the subdivision. The Board reported that the property belongs to MUD #61 and they have been sent a letter requesting that they take care of this issue.
Recent Flooding in Neighborhood – The board unanimously agreed that Cliff Johnson will chair the committee to investigate the recent flooding in the neighborhood. Dave Ellis will assist with the communications aspect of the investigation.
Playground Issues - Dave Elis presented options for repairing and upgrading the existing playground. After discussion it was unanimously agreed that Cliff Johnson will chair a subcommittee that will also include Lance Gordon and Linda Moore, to investigate all options for refurbishing the playground. The subcommittee will report back with specific recommendations at the June Board meeting. Meanwhile Lance Gordon will remove the rotted landscape timbers and potentially dangerous items on the playground rendering it safe until the new proposals can be implements.
2009 Reserve Study – Dave Ellis presented a draft of the updated reserve study and an improved analysis of expenditures and cash flow over the next 20 years. At the present time the Association is not contributing enough to the reserve account to keep the long term cash flow positive. Each board member will review the draft study and have their recommendations ready for the 2010 budget meeting which will be held in September.
Insurance – The Board reviewed the quotation from HRH Insurance for the renewal of the Association policies for the coming year. By taking advantage of the PCMI Wrap Insurance Program, especially designed by HRH for PCMI clients, the increase was held to just $1054 or 8.9%. The Board was pleased with the efficient manner the claim was handled by HRH after Hurricane Ike. The cost for the coming year will be $12,869.00. There was a motion made, seconded and unanimously approved to accept the insurance proposal from HRH Insurance Company
Pool Issue – Lance Gordon reported he has authorized some repairs at the pool including the replacement of one of the lifeguard stands.
At this time the Board thanked the homeowners present and adjourned to executive session to discuss delinquencies and deed restriction matters.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m.