A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.
Board Members present were Linda Moore, Dave Ellis, Walter Smith, Floyd Ball, Lance Gordon and Don McClelland.
With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:32 p.m.
The Board reviewed the meeting minutes of the February 15, 2011 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Floyd Ball, seconded by Walter Smith and unanimously approved.
There were 5 homeowners present.
A homeowner stated that as he was traveling in the Earl of Dunmore/Abby Aldrich area late at night he encountered a vehicle stopped in the middle of the street. Not knowing if some mischief was afoot he stopped with his headlights illuminating the vehicle at which point a bright light was shone in his face. The vehicle had a law enforcement sign on its windshield. The homeowner told the officer that he did not appreciate the spotlight to which the officer responded that he did not appreciate the homeowners’ headlights either. The homeowner felt the officer, who was not one of the Sheriff’s deputies under contract to the Association, was rude and showed a lack of courtesy.
Kevin Wendt introduced himself and explained that he lives on Hoyt lane just across from the clubhouse. He owns an electrical contracting company and has been contacted by Martin Spears in connection with providing a bid for the electrical work associated with the installation of security cameras. He also stated his children are enjoying the new playground.
There was a question concerning the new project at the north east corner of Mason at I-10. Dave Ellis stated that when he enquired a couple of months ago he had been informed by Steve Radack’s office that the area is for commercial development and there will be a new Municipal Utility District formed to service it. At the time of his conversation no information was available regarding what type of commercial development would be included and who the tenants might be. He was told that there were no plans for residential units on the site.
The Board discussed a request from a resident to remove the mildew from the perimeter fence. The Board feels that the entire fence should be examined and in some instances new pickets will be required. Floyd Ball offered to help Lance Gordon with this task.
The Board discussed the complaint they had received concerning a resident placing a Children-at-Play sign on one of our streets. The complainant feels that this is a safety issue and promotes children playing on the street. As the streets belong to the County such unauthorized signs are not permitted. Several Board Members have driven by the location and as of this meeting have not seen the sign. They will continue to monitor the issue and will address it with the resident responsible for placing the sign if and when they see it.
At this time Linda Moore, the security liaison, presented the patrol report.
Dave Ellis presented the financials. As of February 28, 2011, the money in the bank totaled $667,987.17. This includes checking, savings accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets.
To increase the interest income for 2011, Dave Ellis had researched more banks in which to place the Association Operating Fund money until it is required later in the year. Of the banks surveyed, the Ally on-line bank is currently offering the highest rate. However, it was determined that Ally Bank is for personal accounts only. Therefore, a $250,000.00 account was opened at Capital One for an interest rate of 0.85 percent.
As of February 28, 2011 the delinquency totaled $120,148.80. This is up from previous years. Dave Ellis did point out again that the Association continues to monitor the delinquencies closely.
Cameras and Playground Area Security
Martin Spears was unable to attend the meeting. He had relayed to the Board that he felt within one week he would have the proposals. Dave Ellis will provide support to Martin on this project.
Signs for New Security - The Board reviewed the drawings and wording for the new signs. They will consist of a blue Sheriff’s department star with the message below in red letters. Floyd Ball made a motion to purchase ten new signs at $489.76. Linda Moore seconded the motion which was passed unanimously.
To complete the project five poles will need to be purchased and installed. PCMI will obtain a price from the company from which the signs will be purchased and Lance Gordon will obtain a comparative price for the Association to purchase and install them. A motion was made by Floyd Ball, seconded by Linda and unanimously passed to fund the purchase and installation of the poles via whichever of these two approaches is deemed to be in the best interest of the Association.
Annual Meeting - The Board reviewed the preliminary annual meeting notice and proxy. Dave Ellis informed the meeting that he sent out an email inviting candidates for the Board to give their names to PCMI for inclusion on the ballot. However, as of this date no one has responded. There are three positions expiring and three incumbents seeking re-election. A motion was made by Dave Ellis to accept the annual meeting notice as presented. The motion was seconded by Linda Moore and unanimously approved.
Pool Tag Distribution Letter - The draft of the pool tag distribution letter was reviewed. It will be mailed with the annual meeting notice on March 22, 2011. A motion to accept the letter as written was made by Dave Ellis, seconded by Linda Moore and unanimously approved. The Board decided that pool tag distribution on April 3, 2011 will be performed by Dave Ellis and Don McClelland and on April 9, 2011 by Floyd Ball and Walter Smith.
Power Washing of Tennis Court - Martin Spears was unable to attend the meeting therefore this issue was tabled until the May, 2011 meeting.
Playground/ Recreational Upgrade - Floyd Ball gave a report of the activities of the Recreational Area subcommittee. During the month those tennis courts lights which were either out or dim have been restored to full operation by Dave and Floyd. Floyd has removed one of the benches in the tennis court that was broken. A resident has volunteered to refurbish it if the Association will pay for the materials which would cost approximately $75.00. By contrast, a new bench to replace that one could be purchased for $150.00. A motion was made by Floyd Ball, seconded by Walt Smith and unanimously approved that authorization be given to the resident to refurbish the existing bench.
Floyd Ball presented three proposals for a new basketball goal, post rim with net and backboard with markings. This will be placed adjacent to the tennis court rather than the position of the current goal which is close to the expanded playground area. He recommended the Adventure Playground proposal for a cost of $1,374.78. This was the least expensive of the options received. The price does not include removing the old post which will be performed by Board members to reduce the cost of the upgrade. Floyd Ball also requested approval for him to spend approximately $100 to purchase stencils and paint which he can use to mark out the new basketball court. A motion to accept these proposals was made by Floyd Ball, seconded by Linda Moore and unanimously approved
Pool Fence - The Board unanimously agreed that Lance Gordon will obtain a proposal for repairing the pool fence.
Clubhouse Remodeling - Martin Spears was unable to attend the meeting therefore this issue was tabled until the May, 2011 meeting.
Ratify Decision Made Between Meetings - There was a decision made via e-mail concerning the Sterling Bank account. The Association was made aware that Sterling had begun charging for lockbox service, the strong room accounts and other services. PCMI investigated alternative banks and determined that NewFirst bank will perform all the needed tasks and at no additional cost to the Association. Therefore, the Board’s unanimous decision to authorize this change which was taken between meetings was ratified and documented by way of these minutes.
Playground Inspections - Dave Ellis had prepared and proposed the use of an inspection checklist for the routine inspection of the playground equipment. There was some discussion as to liability issues that could arise by a Board member’s written certification of the condition of the equipment. It was felt by some Board members that responsibility for children’s safety when using the playground should remain with the parents as it has been in the past. This proposal was therefore rejected.
Pool Inventory - The Board reviewed a list provided by Lone Star, our pool operator, of items it believes are required prior to the start of the swim season. It was decided that a Board Member will meet the pool company to review the items on the list and give approval to those which they agree are needed.
Procedure Update - Dave Ellis requested approval of the update to the Board Procedures document that he had previously circulated to the Board members for review. The changes reflect recent Board decisions that have changed some aspects of the Association’s operation. Principal changes include:
Use of the electronic Payables Lockbox system as an alternative to the manual signing of checks
Change in our security patrol from a contract with the Constable’s Office to the use of off- duty deputies from the Sheriff’s Department.
Reinstatement of the Yard of The Month program now being managed by resident Leta Whisenhunt
Incorporation of the revised Records Retention policy which is now in force.
Floyd Ball made a motion to approve the changes which was seconded by Don McClelland and unanimously approved.
Water Fountain - Dave Ellis reported that both water fountains developed leaks during the freeze. After investigating the problem he made a motion to refer the repair to Humphrey Plumbing Services, the company that installed the fountains a few years ago. The motion was seconded by Linda Moore and it was unanimously approved.
At 6:45 p.m. the Board thanked the residents for attending and adjourned to executive session to discuss deed restriction violations and delinquencies.
Deed Restriction Violations
Deed Restrictions were discussed at this time and the disposition of same. There were 116 violations noted in the February report.
Attorney Status Report
The Board reviewed the attorney status report and disposition of same.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. The next meeting will be the annual meeting April 12, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the community clubhouse.