Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, March 21, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.


Directors in Attendance were Richard Erbert, Sue Dean Smith, Alan Blair, Dave Ellis, Don McClelland, Linda Moore, and Lance Gordon. Also in attendance, representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI), was Dolores Sue. Deputy Demouy was also present for the Security portion of the meeting representing the constable’s office.

A quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m.


The Board reviewed each deed restriction violation and disposition of same. Trash services have been turned off for all owners who have not paid or made payment arrangements. The original list had 58 homes that were refused trash service and at the present time there remain 14 homes without trash service.



There were no homeowners present.


The Board reviewed the minutes of the February 21, 2006 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as amended was made, seconded and unanimously approved.


The security coordinator presented the report. It was a quiet month. 


The Board reviewed the financials for the month of February 28, 2006.

The treasurer presented a new check and signature card at the meeting for signature of the Board members. This is required as part of the transfer of our accounts to Southwest Securities.

Delinquency - Delinquency as of March 21, 2006 was $46,240.25. Accounts that are delinquent and have not contacted the association have been turned over to the association attorney.


Painting of Clubhouse – The inside of the clubhouse has been painted and the Board expressed their satisfaction with the workmanship.

Lower Speed Limit Inside the Community – The association has sent a reminder letter to Commissioner Raddack’s office asking for specifications on lowering the speed limit in the subdivision. With no response, Commissioner Raddack’s office was called and his office stated they have received both letters from the association and are working on the specification requirements to lower the speed limit and will contact the association when they have them ready. 

Driveway Repairs at Various Homes – The Board discussed that some driveways are in need of repair. It was decided that the Deed Restriction Committee will obtain a list of homes that need repair to determine how many homes there are that need such work. They will present this at the May Board Meeting. 

Foot Board on Lifeguard Stand – This has been replaced.

Water Cooer – The water cooler should be installed soon.

Exhaust Fan for Chemical Room -  This has now been installed.


Annual Meeting - The Board reviewed the annual meeting notice and proxy. 

Pool Memo – The Board reviewed the 2006 pool memo. After due discussion it was unanimously agreed to have the annual meeting notice and the pool memo mailed the same time, with registration being early in April. The Board asked that the mailing be done on Friday March 24, 2006.

Landscaping Proposal – PCMI had been contacted by IMS Landscape to allow it to upgrade all entrances to Williamsburg Settlement at no cost to the association. The Board agreed that the entrances need some upgrade. It was discussed that the boxwoods in front of the sign need to be removed or trimmed. The landscape committee chair will contact IMS Landscape Company and work with them to get this accomplished.

Tree Trimming – IMS had been asked for a proposal to trim the trees at the entrances. They proposed trimming the trees for a total of $1,098.74. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously agreed to accept this proposal. 

Next Meeting – The next meeting will be the annual meeting April 18, 2006 at the community clubhouse.

With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.