Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.


Directors in attendance were Sue Dean Smith, Jacque Harris, Dave Ellis, Alan Blair, Don McClelland and Stefanie Falk. Also in attendance was Dolores Sue representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI).

A quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m.

There were eight (8) homeowners present. Also present was the association attorney Jeff Messock.


The Board reviewed the minutes of the February 17th and February 23rd meetings. A motion was made, seconded and it was unanimously agreed to accept the minutes as written. 


Jacque Harris, the security coordinator, presented the Constable Report for the month of February 2004. She reminded residents to make sure their vehicles are locked as the reported break-ins have been to unlocked vehicles parked in the street. She also reminded residents that with the upcoming warmer weather, people are likely to open their windows but it is important to keep them locked when not at home.

PCMI noted that they are in receipt of a complaint about street parking and Mrs. Harris confirmed that unless a vehicle is parked for 48 continuous hours or more the constable cannot issue a ticket.

Mrs. Harris stated that some complaints have been received about solicitors in the neighborhood and pointed out that the law does not prohibit them from soliciting but if they enter on to your property you can call the constable and he will advise them to leave.


Update on Directories - Mrs. Falk reported that the directories have been delivered and she thanked all the volunteers who helped pass them out. She also thanked HEB (on Fry Road) for the plastic bags they donated.

Updates on Pool Issues  - The contractors have been working on tearing out the old concrete. They are expected to pour some concrete on Wednesday, March 17, 2004. When the project is completed, they will power wash and clean the tiles. 

Mr. Blair reported that he is looking at staining the concrete but does not have enough information at this time.

Electrical Tax Rebate  - It was reported that the taxes paid on some of the accounts for power have been reimbursed from 2002 forward, and an effort is in hand to seek a rebate from earlier years.

Electrical Provider Update - Mr. Ellis reported that the Board had previously accepted a proposal from GEXA Energy. However, when the attempt was made to close the contract, GEXA came back and reported that they could not honor their offer on the streetlights, which was the element that made theirs the most attractive bid. None of the other bidders could bid on the streetlights, or if they could, they could not be competitive. At the February 23 meeting Mr. Ellis was authorized to approach Direct Energy, the next lowest Bidder, to see if they would revalidate their November bid on the four entrances and the Hoyt recreational facilities. He reported that he now had received Direct Energy's new bid on these services, which was actually lower than the one submitted in November. The Board therefore unanimously agreed that the bid for these services be accepted, leaving the supply of the streetlights with Reliant.


Trash Collection contract - The Board reviewed three (3) proposals for trash removal. It was unanimously agreed that more research will have to be done and PCMI was instructed to get with Mr. Blair and meet with the bidders. The objective will be to determine that all the Companies are bidding on the same specifications and to limit future rate increases in the second and third years of the contracts to the Consumer Price Index. The Board will have a special meeting to discuss the results and reach a decision when the final proposals have been received.
Reserve Study  - The Board had instructed PCMI to obtain a quote to update the reserve study. The last reserve study was done in 1998. The bid by Professional Engineering Group for this work is $2,425.00. However, rather than to spend this money at this time, Mr. Ellis recommended that this year the Board conduct its own update of the previous study to provide a reasonable estimate and use this as the basis for evaluating the adequacy of our current reserve fund. After due discussion the Board unanimously agreed to this recommendation.

Annual Meeting Notice  - The Board reviewed the annual meeting notice. After due discussion and changes on the proxy, it was unanimously agreed to accept the notice and proxy to be mailed March 31, 2004.

Pool Tag Memo - The Board reviewed the draft of the pool memo to be mailed with the annual meeting notice. After due discussion it was decided that the registration form does not need to be mailed with the memo. The Board unanimously agreed to mail the pool memo only with the annual meeting notice. The registration form will remain available on the ''Board Notices and Forms" page of our web site (www.WSMAonline.org).

Clubhouse Sheet rock  - Mr. Blair is working on obtaining a proposal to repair the sheet rock in the clubhouse and men's restroom.

It was noted that the Board has installed the flooring in the attic to store the association records.

Proposal from A - Beautiful Pool Company  - The Board discussed a proposal from A-Beautiful Pools to have the electrical installation in the pool area inspected at a cost of $295.00. The Board agreed that this work should be done, but unanimously decided that Mr. Blair should contact Advantage Electric Company which does the Association's electrical work to ask for a second opinion and cost of such an inspection.

Drain needed by side of Clubhouse - Mr. Blair mentioned that a drain is needed by the side of the clubhouse.  Mrs. Harris will get with IMS and investigate a price for installing a new drain.


Some residents at the meeting discussed a letter they had received from what they believe to be a disgruntled homeowner. They stated that some people signed the proxy without knowing how they would be used. A resident stated that some homeowners have expressed their concern and would like to have these proxies returned. The Board explained that the Association's attorney had reviewed these proxies and had informed the resident they were not valid. The residents stated that there is now another letter and revised proxy that is currently circulating and provided the Board with a copy of these for review. The Board expressed their appreciation to the residents for their support.

At 6:15 p.m. the Board adjourned to Executive Session to discuss legal issues of deed restrictions and maintenance fees.

The Board discussed collections and noted that within the past two weeks the Association had collected about $14,000.00 in past due assessments. The Board reviewed each delinquency and gave instruction to PCMI on same.

Deed Restrictions  The Board reviewed the deed restrictions violation list and instructed PCMI on same.

With no further business to come before the meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.