JUNE 21, 2011
Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.  


Board Members present were Walter Smith, Floyd Ball, Dave Ellis, Don McClelland, Martin Spears and Lance Gordon.

With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. 


The Board reviewed the minutes of the May 17, 2011.  A motion to accept the minutes was made and unanimously approved.


There were 6 homeowners present.

It was announced that the swim team won the division championship and they were undefeated.

The swim team requested the Association allow them to install a trophy case in the clubhouse. The swim teams’ preferred location for it is in the hallway between the club room and the pool. They have volunteer fathers on the swim team who would build it and it will be approximately eighteen inches (18”) deep. The swim team will fully fund this endeavor and will accept liability for all matters associated with it.


The Candidates were introduced in the order their resumes were received.  The candidates present were:

Cyndy Thompson
Steve Barricklow
Lars Monson
Larry Crain.

Each candidate spoke to the Board about qualifications and goals for the community.

Floyd Ball thanked the candidates for attending and explained that a decision would be made and everyone would be contacted by June 22, 2011.  He asked the ones not chosen to serve on the Board to continue to participate in the community and that volunteers are always welcome and future positions on the Board will become available.


At this time Lance Gordon introduced Paul Wilburn, our security patrol coordinator, who presented the verbal patrol report.  It was reported there was one (1) burglary, one (1) criminal mischief and one (1) auto burglary and a few curfew violations in the neighborhood. A resident Board member thanked Officer Wilburn for his help in a matter at his home.


Dave Ellis presented the financials. As of May 31, 2011 the money in the bank totaled $628,605.11. This includes checking, savings accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets.

As of May 31, 2011 the delinquency totaled $57,328.86. The Board is actively pursuing avenues to collect maintenance fees. 


Perimeter Fence Damage Repair/Pool fence/Replacement Bids - The Board discussed all major fence repairs that are currently needed. This includes both the perimeter and the pool fence. Floyd Ball presented a spreadsheet of estimates obtained from multiple contractors for the needed repairs.

Lance Gordon made a motion to add 1’x1’ bar to the existing pool fence with the exception of the border that butts up to the playground. The cost for this would be $1,632.00 plus tax, Walter Smith seconded and the motion unanimously passed. This does not include the Fence around the A/C Units on the North side of the clubhouse)

Don McClelland made a motion that the fence and four (4) metal posts with cedar gate between the trash area and the pool be replaced for a cost of $656.00 plus tax. Lance Gordon seconded the motion and it unanimously passed.

Martin Spears made a motion that the cedar fence at the back of the pool trash enclosure be replaced and if a new gate is needed to have it replaced, and fix the Iron Gate for a cost not to exceed $1,500.00, Walter Smith seconded the motion and it unanimously passed. 

Lance Gordon made a motion to replace the damaged perimeter fence section on the South side of the Earl of Dunmore entrance (24 feet), the section of fence that was burned in a recent grass fire at the North West Corner and continuing South for as far as the budgeted funds will allow. The bid for replacing one hundred feet (100’) would be about $2,430.00, Walter Smith seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. 
Security Camera Installation Update - Dave Ellis reported that the five (5) cameras and the digital recorder have now been installed and are operational.  The Board will be receiving a training session on the equipment in the near future.

Restroom Remodeling - Martin Spears reported the remodeling has been completed in the restroom and the urinal in the men’s restroom was lowered to make it more child-friendly.  He also reported that the hallway and small conference and lifeguard’s rooms have been painted.

Power Washing – Martin Spears reported that the power washing has now been complete on all surfaces except some of the front path and the parking lot.

Recreational Area Sub Committee Report - Floyd Ball reported the windscreens have been replaced for a cost of $250.00.

New Security Signs - The Board reviewed the proposed modification to the security signs which adds “Smile you may be on camera” to replace the Sherriff’s star above the existing text which indicates that our subdivision is patrolled by both marked and unmarked vehicles. Walter Smith made a motion that this be accepted for a cost not to exceed $45.00 each, Dave Ellis seconded and the motion unanimously passed.

Swim Team Sponsorship - Pursuant to the Boards agreement at a previous meeting, the check will be issued to the Williamsburg Settlement Swim Team in the amount of $125.00


Trophy Case - The Board discussed the swim team’s earlier request to allow them to install a trophy case at their expense in the hallway between the club room and the pool. A motion was made by Martin Spears to approve this but the Board will discuss its location as there is some concern that placing it in the hallway may cause an obstruction. The motion was seconded by Walter Smith and unanimously passed.

Increase of Swim Hours - Martin Spears reported he had a request that the swim hours be lengthened at the end of the day.  The Board discussed this issue and suggested that this would be something to place an article on the web site about asking for opinions.

Clubhouse Rental - Alcohol - Dave Ellis reported that both the Sheriff’s and the Constable’s departments now require that when security is required because of the serving of alcohol during clubhouse rentals it is their policy that TWO deputies for a minimum of four (4) hours each have to be contracted for regardless of the number of people at the party. This is a change from current WSMA policy that requires only one, and will need to be reflected in our rental procedures documentation.

Web Site - Dave Ellis reported that for the past two (2) weeks he has been unable to send e-mails out to the residents’ mailing lists.  Comcast has demanded they be blocked as there was a complaint from a resident in the Settlement that it was spam.  He is diligently working to have the e-mails unblocked and would like to explain to residents if they do not want the e-mails to just unsubscribe to get their addresses taken off the mailing lists to avoid this problem in the future.


At 7:50 p.m. the Board thanked the residents for attending and adjourned to executive session to discuss New Director, Delinquencies and Deed restriction matters.

The Board felt all the candidates were excellent and choosing one was a very difficult decision. After discussion It was unanimously agreed that Cyndy Thompson will be appointed to serve the balance of the recently vacated Board member position, term to expire in 2013.


The Board discussed each delinquent account and the disposition of same.

Deed Restriction Violations

Deed Restrictions were discussed at this time and the disposition of same.


With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8;30 p.m.  The next meeting will be the July 19, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. at the community clubhouse.