A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.
Directors in attendance were Linda Moore, Dave Ellis, Don McClelland, Lance Gordon and Mark Molsberry. Also in attendance, representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI), was Dolores Sue.
A quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:41 p.m.
The Board reviewed the minutes of the May 19, 2009 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes was made, seconded and unanimously approved.
There were two homeowners present. The discussion was on the status of the activities in progress following the recent flooding of some homes on our subdivision. One homeowner reported that he had attended the June meeting of MUD #61 at which the engineer commissioned to investigate the possible causes presented his preliminary report. The homeowner felt that the investigation, which is focusing on the possible deleterious effect of the detention pond, is being conducted in a professional and unbiased manner. The investigation is continuing and just that day a survey crew was in the neighborhood obtaining slab elevation measurements on homes that had been reported flooded. The MUD is holding a meeting at the clubhouse at 5:30 pm on Wednesday June 24 to present to the residents the status of the investigation and possible solutions. The homeowner stressed the importance of a good turnout at this meeting to demonstrate to the MUD board the seriousness of the flooding issue and to lend support for whatever remedial action is recommended. To help promote attendance he will prepare and distribute a flyer to the residents. As there are now better communication tools available the homeowner suggested that the two MUDs that service the Settlement, #61 and #62, be invited to supply and update information for publication on the Association web site. This should include a list of the MUD board members, their terms and contact information, and such current information as agendas and minutes from their meetings and other notices. The Board agreed and will contact the two MUD boards with this proposal. If the MUD districts have web sites this task can be accomplished by adding links to our Williamsburg Settlement web site.
The homeowners also mentioned that the MUD #61 bulletin board in front of the recreational facility at which their meeting agendas are posted is dirty which makes the notices difficult to read. He will contact an MUD member with an offer to clean it for them.
The Board thanked the homeowners for attending the meeting.
Linda Moore, constable liaison, presented the constable report. Deputy Sloan was in attendance. It was noted that some residents are running the stop sign at Hoyt and Wetherburn. Officer Sloan will monitor that stop sign.
Dave Ellis presented the financials as of May 31, 2009. The money in the bank totaled $518,064.30. This includes checking, money market accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets.
Dave Ellis reported that a CD will mature on June 19, 2009 and he would advise the Board to open another one for a twelve month period in the amount of $50,000.00. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to purchase the new CD. Dave Ellis has investigated rates and reported that ICON Bank has rates that are more than double those being offered by our previous supplier of CDs. Therefore, the CD will be opened at ICON Bank.
As of May 31, 2009 delinquencies totaled $38,509.27. Trash has been terminated to all delinquent owners
Graffiti Shield – There was no update available for this meeting.
Car Park and Hoyt Tree Trimming – It was agreed that Lance Gordon will trim the branches of the trees that are hanging a little low at the recreational facility parking lot. The trees that were hanging low on Hoyt have been trimmed by Harris County.
Flooding Issues Committee Report - This issue was covered earlier in the meeting.
Playground Equipment Committee Report – The committee reported they have had a meeting and are continuing to research all options for new equipment. The committee will have a report to present at the August, 2009 meeting.
New Table Status – Lance Gordon reported the two (2) new tables have been delivered and installed.
2009 Reserve Study – Dave Ellis reminded the Board Members of the need for each of them to review the reserve study and the analysis of expenditures and cash flow over the next 20 years that he presented at the May meeting.
Pool Umbrellas and Stands – Dave Ellis reported three of our umbrellas are broken again. He will contact the contractor who repaired them last year to see if there is a possibility that they are still under warranty. If not, he will obtain a quote to repair them.
Pool Rules – Lance Gordon requested each Board Member review the current pool rules and make note of any changes, additions or deletions that should become a part of the rules. The Board will make a final decision on the pool rules at their July meeting.
July Board Meeting – Due to conflicting schedules the July meeting will be held Monday, July 20, 2009.
Fence Pickets - Don McClelland reported to the Board that he had researched Cypress pickets and found that they are less expensive, better quality and last longer than Cedar. A motion to accept Cypress pickets on fencing as an alternative to Cedar was made, seconded and unanimously approved.
Dead Tree Removal – Entrance Carters Grove – The Board reviewed a proposal for removing a dead tree at the entrance of Carters Grove. The proposal seemed extremely high. Therefore, Lance Gordon will obtain another proposal and present to the Board at their July meeting.
At this time the Board thanked the homeowners present and adjourned to executive session to discuss delinquencies and deed restriction matters
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:17 p.m.