A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, July 16, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.
Board Members present were Floyd Ball, Gail Owen, Walt Smith, Dave Ellis and Larry Crain. Also, in attendance were Officer Paul Wilburn and Dolores Sue representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI).
With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:32 p.m.
The Board reviewed the minutes of the June 18, 2013 Board meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Walt Smith, seconded by Larry Crain and unanimously approved.
There was one (1) homeowner present.
Officer Wilburn reported there had been one burglary in the subdivision in June. In an effort to discourage crime the officers have altered their patrol hours.
Dave Ellis presented the financials. As of June 30, 2013, the money in the bank totaled $708,614.20. This includes checking, savings accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets. Delinquency for the month ending June 30, 2013 was $20,462.40. The Board announced that homeowners who have defaulted on their payment plans will be promptly turned over to the Association attorney and the associated legal fees will be added to their account. There are some accounts which are at the attorney for delinquency and should those accounts not be brought current immediately the next and final step is to file a lawsuit. At the time of filing suit the legal fees become very large. The Board does not want any resident to be faced with such legal fees but they are an inevitable result of the Board exercising its fiduciary responsibility to collect all assessments. Delinquent homeowners whose accounts have not yet been turned over to the attorney have been encouraged to contact the HOA. Those whose accounts are already at the attorneys’ office should contact that office directly to pay in full or work out a payment plan to prevent the filing of a suit and avoid the ensuing additional legal fees.
Replacement of In-Wall Hook for the Pool Lane Rope - The in-wall hook for the pool lane rope has been replaced.
Pool Status Report - Dave Ellis reported there have been no complaints about the lifeguards this year and everything seems to be working smoothly.
There has been a problem with the water clarity however. It appears that this problem is the result of reduced water flow caused by a deteriorated impeller. H-Rec has submitted a proposal to replace this and the shaft seal along with adding new pressure gauges on each filter. The cost for this work would be $1,422.19. A motion to accept this proposal was made by Dave Ellis, seconded by Walt Smith and unanimously approved.
Update on Accident at Carter’s Grove Entry - Dave Ellis announced that the Association has now received a quote for replacing the brickwork on the entry monument and the limestone signage. The cost for this would be $9,879.20 plus an additional cost for recoating the sign and brickwork with the graffiti shield. To this will be added $367 for replacing the broken lamp fitting. Landscaping is not covered under the Association’s insurance; however as the adjustor has been given the insurance information of the driver who hit the wall, the Association will seek guidance from the adjuster as to how our insurance company will handle this claim with the driver’s insurance company.
Accept Board Members Resignation - A motion to accept the resignation tendered by Don McClelland was made by Walt Smith, seconded by Gail Owen and unanimously approved. The Board Members present expressed their appreciation for Don’s contribution to the neighborhood by serving on the Board and chairing the Architectural Committee for many years.
Discuss Filling Vacancy on Board - Mr. Michael Wood had previously expressed an interest in serving on the Board and remains keen to do so. He has been a resident of the community for twenty-four (24) years and has many qualities that would make him a great addition to the Board. A motion to have Michael Wood fill Don McClelland’s vacant position was made by Walt Smith, seconded by Gail Owen and unanimously approved. Michael’s initial term will expire in 2014.
Content of Managers Report - The Board had a chance to review the monthly manager’s report. It was unanimously agreed that following the transition to the new system it currently contains a lot of information that is not really needed. Dave Ellis will review the report content with PCMI with a view to reducing its volume to only include the more relevant information.
At this time the Board thanked the resident for attending the meeting.
At 6:11 p.m. the Board adjourned to executive session to discuss delinquencies and deed restriction matters.
Delinquency - The Board reviewed the delinquency report. There are three (3) owners who have received one more notice that they were in default of their payment plan. If payments are not received immediately these accounts will be sent to the Association attorney for legal action and be assessed the associated legal fees.
Homeowners are encouraged to always try and set up a payment plan and having done so not to fall behind on their payments and thus incurring additional attorney fees.
Deed Restrictions - The Board reviewed the deed restriction list from the inspections performed July 2, 2013. It was unanimously agreed to instruct PCMI to turn one account over to the Association attorney for legal action.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:24 p.m. The next meeting will be August 20, 2013.