A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, July 17, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.
Directors in attendance were Patrick Sammon, Don McClelland, Linda Moore, Sue Dean Smith, Dave Ellis, and Lance Gordon. Also in attendance, representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI), were Sundown Cooper and Dolores Sue.
A quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.
The Board reviewed the minutes of the June 19, 2007 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made, seconded and unanimously approved.
The security coordinator presented the constable report.
The Board reviewed the financial statement as of June 30, 2007. The money in the bank totaled $470,648.14. This includes checking and money market accounts and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets.
As of June 30, 2007, delinquencies totaled $11,177.81.
There were two homeowners present. These homeowners were concerned about Registered Sex Offenders in the neighborhood. They ask the board to print the names and address in the newsletter and on the web site. The Board unanimously agreed they would not be comfortable in publishing the names and addresses but would be happy to put an article in the newsletter and web page explaining to the residents there are two (2) child sexual predators in the neighborhood and give them the link so that all owners can go to the link and review the files. The homeowners thanked the Board.
Homeowner Directory – The Board discussed updating the homeowner directory. Dave Ellis reminded the Board that on a four (4) year cycle the new directory should be done in April 2008. The directory is normally done by volunteers. Mr. Ellis stated that this time the information should be in a data base and updated all year long, perhaps by asking the welcome person to include an information sheet when she visits the new owners. The Board discussed various ways to obtain the homeowners updated information.
Tennis Lesson Person – The Board discussed the problems with allowing a resident to perform tennis lessons on the association tennis court. After reviewing all the issues involved, the Board unanimously agreed that the Association, per the governing documents, will not allow anyone to have a for-profit business on the tennis courts. This person will be notified by the association attorney to cease this action
Landscape Contract – Mr. Gordon reported the new proposal was received late this afternoon; therefore he had not had time to review the quote. The landscaping company has agreed to leave the price as it is until this information has been reviewed and voted on. Mr. Gordon will present this information in the August Board Meeting.
Tennis Court – Mr. Gordon explained that he had obtained a price of $90.00 each for good benches. The Board unanimously agreed to ask Mr. Gordon to purchase 3 or 4 of the benches.
Tidy Baskets (Ball Holders) – The Board unanimously agreed to ask Mr. Gordon to purchase four (4) of these items.
Swim Team Hours – The Board discussed the hours for the swim team. In order to clean the pool and have it ready for opening the Swim Team will be asked to end swim team by 10:45 a.m.
Pool Issues – Mr. Gordon is monitoring the pool and activities.
Clubhouse Cleaning – The Board discussed having the clubhouse cleaned monthly. At this time of year the guards should be keeping the restrooms clean and the resident that rents the clubhouse is reasonable for cleaning it after the party. Therefore it was unanimously agreed to have the clubhouse cleaned on an as-needed basis.
Meeting - The next meeting will be held August 21, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. in the clubhouse.
With no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.