JULY 19, 2011
Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.  


Board Members present were Walter Smith, Floyd Ball, Dave Ellis, Cyndy Thompson and Don McClelland. Also in attendance was Dolores Sue representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI).

With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. 


The Board reviewed the minutes of the June 21, 2011 meeting.  A motion to accept the minutes was made and unanimously approved.


There were six (6) homeowners present.

A homeowner asked the Board how long Settlement properties are staying on the market and how does this compare to other neighborhoods in the area.  Board Member Cyndy Thompson stated she will obtain those statics and inform the homeowner.
This homeowner also asked about green waste going to the trash dump and whether the current garbage collection company offers to take the green waste for recycling.  As our current contract does not provide this service another homeowner described the procedure she uses to compost this vegetation.  Further she stated that as long as no food items are included the compost does not give off an odor.

He also asked what was being constructed on the land on Mason at Colonial just south of Academy.  Another homeowner present stated that the land is going to be developed as commercial property.

A homeowner present explained they did not want to be in directory and wanted to know exactly how many people actually utilize the directory and hence if the expenditure to produce it was necessary.  As no statistics are available on this it was suggested that if she is interested in getting this information she place that question on the web site Guest Book to solicit input from other residents.  The Board explained that the cost to the Association is minimal. All the labor involved is donated by a Board member and the printing cost is largely offset by the revenue generated from the advertisements that are included.  Another homeowner present stated that when her children were smaller she utilized it a lot and found it useful.

This homeowner also questioned the contribution made to sponsor the Swim Team and if this contribution was something that maintenance fee should be used for.  The Board informed those present that the Swim Team presented the Association with a check of $440.00 for this season which more than compensates for the $125.00 given as a contribution.  Further, the view was expressed that a lot of homeowners view the Swim Team as an integral part of Williamsburg Settlement and believe that the positive experience it gives to our young people is something worthy of the Association’s support.

A homeowner thanked the Board for maintaining the entry flags and keeping it looking so nice.

There was a question about how one requests a vacation watch on their home. They were advised to go to the Williamsburg Settlement web site and complete the form.


Floyd Ball presented the patrol report.

A homeowner asked if someone places a flyer on your door are they trespassing.  Office Felchak stated that technically they are, but the owner would have to take legal action to have it stopped.


Dave Ellis presented the financials. As of June 30, 2011 the money in the bank totaled $558,876.65. This includes checking, savings accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets.

As of June 30, 2011 the delinquency totaled $54,645.15. The Board continues to aggressively pursue the collection of past due maintenance fees. 


Status of Pool/Perimeter Fence Repair - Floyd Ball reported that contracts have been signed and the deposit checks have been issued for the wrought iron fence repair at the pool and the small section of the perimeter fence that burned and that portion at the Earl of Dunmore entrance.  As soon as the deposit checks are received by the company the work will be scheduled and the Board is hopeful that by the August meeting work will be well underway.

Old Basketball Pole - Floyd Ball reported the old basketball pole is yet to be removed. There may be an opportunity while the welder is performing the work on the fence to have him cut it down.  Otherwise Board members will perform the task later.

Security Camera Installation Update - Dave Ellis reported that the five (5) cameras and the digital video recorder have now been installed and are fully operational.  There are four cameras mounted on a pole which are monitoring various views around the clubhouse and a fifth is mounted on the clubhouse building monitoring the pool and diving board. The contract was closed out with the completion of the training of the Board members who will be responsible for the administration and use of the system.

Restroom Remodeling- Floyd Ball reported that all currently scheduled work on the clubhouse interior has been completed.

New Security Signs - Floyd Ball showed the new security signs that will be erected at the entrances to the subdivision and around the clubhouse area.

E-mailing System for Web - Dave Ellis reported the e-mailing system is back up and operational at this time and hopefully no further problems will arise.

Location of Trophy Case - The location of the Swim Team trophy case which will be paid for and installed by the team has not yet been finalized.

Possible Dead Tree/ Branches need Trimming - There are some tree branches on the Hoyt side of the tennis courts that need trimming as they are obscuring one of the lamps. There is also one tree between the clubhouse and tennis courts that appears to be dead. These issues will be referred to the responsible Board member.


Clubhouse – Large Room Needs - In response to resident requests, Dave Ellis has obtained prices on cleaning of the clubhouse carpet. The estimates ranged from ten cents to twenty cents per square foot.  The company that offers the lowest price does charge extra for removing difficult spots such as those caused by candle grease or bubble gum. A motion was made by Walt Smith, seconded by Cyndy Thompson and unanimously approved that the Board inspect the carpet following the meeting and if they agree that it needs to be cleaned to accept the proposal from the company that offered the lowest price.

Range in Kitchen - Dave Ellis reported the range in the kitchen needs cleaning.  Dave Ellis made a motion, seconded by Walter Smith and unanimously approved to call in the person who we use from time to time to clean the clubhouse to perform this task.

Dave Ellis reported that he had been asked if the Association would purchase a vacuum cleaner for use by residents who rent the clubhouse rooms.  After due discussion it was decided not to proceed with this but to continue the present policy of having the renters furnish their own cleaning equipment.

Cul-De-Sac’s - Floyd Ball informed the Board that some residents have reported that the plants and grass on many of the cul-de-sacs are dying due to the drought. The Board discussed asking homeowners who live on these cul-de-sacs for their help in watering them. In addition a Board member will investigate the cost of having a watering truck provide this service


At 6:30 p.m. the Board thanked the residents for attending and adjourned to executive session to discuss delinquencies and deed restriction matters and the resignation of a Board Member.

Delinquencies - The Board discussed each delinquent account and the disposition of same.

Deed Restriction Violations - Deed Restrictions were discussed at this time and the disposition of same.

Meeting Conduct - The Board discussed the recently revised Roberts Rules of Order for Small Boards which consist of eight or fewer participants. These rules allow the Board President to make motions and to vote.  The Board agreed to adopt this revised procedure.

Resignation of Board Member - The Board reviewed the resignation letter of Lance Gordon.  Dave Ellis with regret motioned to accept the resignation of Lance Gordon from the Board, Walt Smith seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

Filling Board Vacancy - The Board agreed that the candidate they will ask to fill the term of Lance Gordon (term to expire 4-2014) will be Larry Crain. Floyd Ball will contact Mr. Crain and inquire if he is still interested in the position.

Officer Position - With the resignation of Lance Gordon the Board elected Walter Smith to be the new Vice President.

Responsibility Changes - Lance Gordon was in charge of the Sheriff patrols and landscaping.  It was unanimously agreed that Martin Spears will head sheriff patrol and Cyndy Thompson will be the deed restriction liaison.  The Board discussed that if Mr. Crain accepts the Board Vacancy they would like him to be in charge of landscaping due to his expertise in this area.


With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.  The next meeting will be the August 16, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. at the community clubhouse.