Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, January 20, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.


Directors in attendance were Alan Blair, Dave Ellis, Sue Dean Smith, Jacque Harris, Stefanie Falk and Don McClelland. Also in attendance was Dolores Sue representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI).

A quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m.

There were three homeowners present. Also present was Constable Deputy Katrib.


One resident discussed with the Board the upcoming Water Board election for Municipal Utility District (MUD) #61. She handed information sheets to the Williamsburg Settlement Board of Directors comparing rates that showed that the MUD #61 has levied rate increases far in excess of the other local utility districts. She expressed the view that the upcoming elections provide the opportunity for some new management and the Board might want to help promote awareness of this opportunity. There was a general discussion. The requirement for running for the Board of Directors of the MUD is that candidates must reside within the district and own property in Williamsburg Settlement. There are two positions available this year. The Board unanimously agreed to post an article in the newsletter and on the web site advising residents of the upcoming election.

The Board reviewed the minutes of the November 18, 2003 meeting. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously agreed to accept the minutes as written. 


Jacque Harris, the security coordinator, presented the Constable Report for the months of November and December 2003. Mrs. Harris reported that the clubhouse was broken into through a window on Sunday night or early Monday morning. They took the fire extinguisher and emptied it and then returned it. In the lifeguard room they broke a shelf where the phone sits, and tried to light a fire in the fireplace but looks like they were not successful. Mr. Blair has replaced the fire extinguisher.

A resident had asked that the Board discuss Parking in the street and parking too near fire hydrants. Deputy Katrib stated that parking is not allowed within fifteen feet (15') of a fire hydrant nor thirty feet (30') from a stop sign. Deputy Katrib gave the Board a copy of the law so that the Board can post it on the web page. It was also discussed that people parking on the street facing the wrong way can be ticketed. The officer stated that when homeowners see things like the above they should call the constable's office.

Sue Dean Smith presented the financials as of December 31, 2003 pointing out that last year's deficit was reduced from the $11,494 that was projected in the 2003 budget, to $6,780. 


Bleachers  - Due to the condition of the bleachers and the difficulty in providing cost-effective repairs, it was discussed with the Swim Team and decided that the bleachers should be removed. The bleachers have now been removed at no cost to the Association.

Electrical Providers  - Dave Ellis provided a detailed report on his extensive efforts to get under contract with GEXA Energy as was agreed at the last Board meeting. However, GEXA has now advised they can not honor the rates they set forth in their November proposal. The offer that was the next best was Direct Energy. However, Direct Energy will not include street light billing. Mr. Ellis explained he did not see a problem with this as we currently receive separate bills for each service thus the streetlights are already billed separate from the entrances and clubhouse. A question was asked if the Association is not happy with the services from Direct Energy what costs would be involved to go back to Reliant Energy? Mr. Ellis explained that if we signed up with Direct Energy then terminated prior to the end of the term they would charge us an early termination fee equivalent to two (2) months usage. Reliant Energy would charge nothing to switch the service back.

Mr. Blair reported that according to the Public Utility Commission (PUC) if Reliant Energy looses forty percent (40%) of its business they would be allowed to cut their price. He reported that Reliant Energy has applied to the PUC to lower the rates based on a forty percent (40%) loss.

Based on this information, the Board decided with a vote of 4 in favor and one abstention to wait to change providers for two months to see if Reliant lowers the rate.

Update on Directory  - Mrs. Falk and her committee have collected all the advertising fees and information and the updated directory is ready to go to the printers. 

Update on Pool Deck  - Mr. Blair explained that he should have a quote this week and he is meeting someone tomorrow who will look at the job and hopefully submit a proposal. He explained that everything needs to be re-grouted at the pool with new flexible grout installed and that there are areas on the concrete that are coming up which need to be cut out and fresh concrete installed to a depth of 2" to 4". He also stated that outside the clubhouse there needs to be about four feet (4') of new concrete added.

Mr. Ellis asked how many proposals will be obtained and Mr. Blair stated he is trying to obtain three (3).

Mr. Blair also reported that A-Beautiful Pools, the current contractor, has been out to the site and tried to remove the calcium deposits with a type of acid, however it was unsuccessful.


Pool Tags  - Pool tag distribution will be held at the clubhouse on April 17, 2004 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and April 25, 2004 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Swim Team will also be registering on these dates.

Pool Contract - Mr. Blair reported that he has reviewed the head counts for the summer months. The highest count for each day of the week were: Tuesday - 26 people; Wednesday  23 people; Thursday  25 people; Friday  22 people; Saturday  27 people; and Sunday  46 people. Therefore he made a recommendation to the Board that on Tuesdays through Friday's there be only two (2) guards instead of three (3) as has been scheduled in the past. The savings on having two guards instead of three would be $13.00 per hour. Mr. Blair discussed lowering the guard count and A-Beautiful Pools did not feel this would be a problem. It was mentioned that the guards need to keep the area cleaner. A resident stated he felt like volunteers should clean the area. The Board explained that cleaning the restrooms and pool are part of the standard pool contract. 

A resident asked if lessons were part of the contract. The Board explained that lessons are provided if they have enough people to sign up, but lessons are not part of the contract.

The Board would like a change in the contract, which currently states repairs under $100.00 will be done without the need for approval. The Board is requesting the pool company call the chairperson of the pool committee on all repairs or maintenance needed regardless of price. 

A motion was made, seconded and it was unanimously agreed to accept the pool contract with A-Beautiful Pools with the following changes: two (2) guards Tuesday through Friday; and the pool company must call the committee chairperson for authorization on all repairs. 

Swim Team and Guards  - The swim team would like to hire their own licensed lifeguards to guard during meets instead of using the current pool contractor lifeguards. PCMI was instructed to contact the Association Insurance Agent to verify how that might affect the Association insurance policy.

Association Record Storage  - The Board discussed the costs of storing records. PCMI maintains 2 years plus the current year at no cost; records older than three years go to an off site storage facility resulting in a fee charged to the Association. The Board discussed installing plywood in the attic and moving the boxes to the clubhouse.

Advertising on Web Site  - Mr. Ellis had a resident who suggested that we might open the web site for local advertising. The Board discussed this and unanimously decided that the web site should not be used for this purpose. Also, a resident had asked for a list of addresses for advertising. The Board unanimously agreed that they should not give out that list. 

Parking Across Street From Tennis Courts  - It has been reported that when people are playing tennis they are parking on the street and causing a problem for ingress and egress of some driveways. It had been requested to move the No Parking Sign. In order to do that the Association would have to petition the county. It was suggested that asking those who are playing tennis to park in the parking lot and not in the street might alleviate the problem.

A- Beautiful Pools  - The Board reviewed a proposal from A-Beautiful Pools to purchase a portable pump. A-Beautiful has advised this would improve the cleanliness and as vacuuming would go quicker with the additional suction. The cost would be $852.64. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously agreed to have Mr. Blair obtain a second opinion.

Mosquito Spraying  - The Board reviewed the new mosquito spraying contract. The costs will be $52.50 per trip plus tax. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to accept the 2004 mosquito spraying contract to begin in April or May. It was unanimously decided that the contractor will place notices on the days spraying is performed on the doors of Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Falk.

Hole in Men's Restroom Wall - Mr. Blair reported there is a hole under the bench in the men's restroom wall. The Board discussed the possibility that it was caused by the chemicals in the adjourning room. Mr. Blair will investigate and report on possible remedies.

Air-Conditioner and Heater in Clubhouse  - Mr. Blair reported that the heater in the clubhouse kept tripping the breaker. He has had that taken care of, but while the repair company was there it was discovered that the little air-conditioner which has been in service since the clubhouse was built, needs to be replaced. Mr. Blair has taken one proposal and will obtain another before bringing before the Board.

At this time, approximately 5:50 p.m. the Board explained to the Members present they would be adjourning to executive session to discuss legal issues such as delinquent maintenance accounts and violations. One resident stated he felt like he should be able to stay while individual accounts were discussed. He also stated he wanted to be on the agenda for next month's meeting. Another resident asked why they had to leave and the constable remained. It was explained the constable was also leaving at this point.          

The Board then held an executive session to discuss all legal matters pertaining to delinquent accounts and deed restriction violations.

The next meeting will be February 17, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. at the clubhouse.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m.