A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, February 19, 2008 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.
Directors in attendance were Patrick Sammon, Dave Ellis, Linda Moore, Don McClelland, Sue Dean Smith and Lance Gordon. Also in attendance, representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI), was Dolores Sue.
A quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.
There were four residents present.
The Board reviewed the minutes of the January 15, 2008 meeting. There was a motion made, seconded and unanimously agreed to accept the minutes as written.
Linda Moore presented the constable report. She explained that Deputy Sloan, who attended this portion of the meeting, will be replacing Deputy Hottman on the evening shift.
At this time the floor was turned over to the residents present. Peter Kaestner explained he has served on numerous Boards and committees for various athletics activities involving children and so has his wife. He expressed his appreciation for the Board and all the hard work involved in maintaining the subdivision. He felt that prohibiting all tennis court lessons was not an optimal solution to the problem that the Board was trying to solve. He stated that the loss of tennis lessons has detracted from what makes a subdivision a friendly Place to live. He enjoys seeing the tennis court activity and felt that the ability for the children to have tennis lessons on our courts provided them with a very positive and healthy alternative to other activities with which they might become involved. Further, he expressed the view that benefits to the neighborhood of having lessons outweighed complaints. He asked for a different alternative. At this time, he read a letter from a resident.
Mr. Thomas spoke about the positive aspects of having lessons and asked the Board to reconsider its decision. His son also spoke as to what it had meant to him to have the lessons.
Mr. Thomas also read from letters that supported his viewpoint which were sent to him by some residents.
Darlene Throop then read a letter explaining how tennis lessons had positively impacted her son.
All letters attached to minutes.
A discussion of the issues followed and the Board thanked the homeowners for attending and sharing their views on this contentious subject.
Peter Kaestner then addressed the board about the swim team this year. He will be the liaison between the swim team and Board of Directors for Williamsburg Settlement.
At this point the visitors left the meeting.
Dave Ellis, the treasurer, reviewed the financial statement as of January 31, 2008 with the directors. The money in the bank totaled $633,561.48 which includes checking, money market accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets.
Delinquency totals $93,654.61 but as of February 13, 2008 total delinquent amount was down to $74,000.00.
Homeowner Directory – Sue Dean Smith reported she has been successful in contacting most of the homeowners for which information was still required. The remaining twenty one (21) will be pursued by Dave Ellis as part of his effort to finalize the directory update. To this point there are five (5) advertisers confirmed.
Dave Ellis presented proposals for the cost of printing the directory. There was one proposal that came in substantially below the others. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously agreed that he will visit the company and review a draft of the product and confirm that the services and quality are acceptable. If so, that proposal will be accepted for $1,401.84. This will be for 900 Directories. If the quality does not seem to be up to the subdivisions standards he will give the contract to the next lowest bidder at a cost of $2,247.27.
Architectural Guidelines – The Board discussed various architectural issues.
Folding Door to Old Coke Machine Area - Dave Ellis discussed options for a door in the alcove where the old coke machine was located. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously agreed that Anchor Home Repair Services will be asked to install a metal utility door for a cost of $390.00.
Tennis Court Issues - Lance Gordon reported he will purchase some new rollers for the tennis court and will reattach the loose windscreens. He will also try to recruit a few of the tennis players to help in providing such minor maintenance activities that do not justify the expense of calling in a contractor.
Perimeter Fence – Lance Gordon reported he is now using screws when he replaces pickets as it makes them more secure. However, some boards are still being removed where the south extension of Crutchfied terminates at the perimeter fence. It is presumed that these are being removed by youths who want quick access to the drainage ditch beyond. The constable was asked to monitor any such illegal activity.
Chemical Storage Room Repair – Dave Ellis reported there is more sheet rock damage to the wall between the chemical storage and pump rooms. He recommended that both sides of this wall have laminate paneling installed high enough to cover the damaged area thus preventing the chemicals from eating through. A motion was made seconded and unanimously agreed to have Anchor Home Repair Services install laminate paneling for a cost of $160.00.
Annual Meeting Notice - The board reviewed the preliminary annual meeting notice. Two incumbents will be running for reelection. The notice was approved and PCMI was instructed to Mail March 16, 2008.
Pool Tag Distribution letter – The Board reviewed the pool tag distribution letter which will be mailed with the annual meeting notice. The dates of the swim team will be confirmed and the Board approved the letter.
Pool Information – This issue was tabled until Lance Gordon can review the items and meet with the pool company.
The Board adjourned into executive session to discuss deed restriction violations and delinquencies.
The next meeting will be March 18, 2008 at 5:30 p.m.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.