A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.
Directors in attendance were Sue Dean Smith, Jacque Harris, Dave Ellis, Don McClelland and Alan Blair. Also in attendance were Dolores Sue and Melissa Tucker representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI).
A quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m.
There was one homeowner present. Also present were Constable Deputy Thomas and. Kenneth Johse the Association Certified Public Accountant.
The Board reviewed the minutes of the January 20, 2004 meeting. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously agreed to accept the minutes as written.
Jacque Harris, the security coordinator, presented the Constable Report for the month of January, 2004. She added that the arrests made were not residents of Williamsburg Settlement.
Raymond Rogers addressed the Board and presented various demands. He claimed he had authority to remove Board members and to call a special meeting. He also stated that he had created an "At Large Membership Advisory Committee" that would oversee all future Board activities.
A motion was made seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn the meeting pending the review of Mr. Roger's requests and documents by the Association's legal counsel. The Board will reconvene after they have received an opinion in that regard and have had time to review the various letters presented by Mr. Rogers.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Monday, February 23, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. This meeting was convened to complete the business that remained from the abbreviated meeting of February 17, 2004.
Directors in attendance were Sue Dean Smith, Jacque Harris, Dave Ellis, Don McClelland, Stefanie Falk and Alan Blair.
A quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m.
A. Update on Directory
Stefanie Falk informed the Board that the Directories have been completed and have gone to press. We should receive them in three (3) weeks.
It was suggested that these directories should be distributed in plastic bags to hang on the front door of each residence at which the homeowner is not present. Stefanie Falk will explore the acquisition of bags from HEB Markets. The Directors agreed to distribute the directories on their streets in order to lighten the load on Stefanie.
B. Update on Pool Issues
The Board will say "No" to all excess charges from A-Beautiful. These included oxygen tank, springboard and a new pump to clean the pool. The contractor also wants to replace the sand in the filter (big tank). It was decided that before authorizing this expenditure, the broken pressure gauge would first be replaced. This will give an indication of any pressure build-up in the tank, which would be justification for replacing the filter sand.
Alan Blair has contacted three (3) contractors for estimates on deck work:
(1) Robert Ellis - $12,550 with 1/2 to start and will contract the work out;
(2) Aqua Blue - $11,845 with 1/2 to start. Aqua Blue seems to be easier to work with and do their own work;
(3) Lone Star - $10,766. We are familiar with this Company from past dealings.
There was a consensus that Aqua Blue was the most sensible contractor to deal with and Alan Blair was given authorization to proceed to a contact. Prior to signing a contract, however, Alan had a number of questions and some minor objections that he will first resolve with Aqua Blue.
The issue of applying a stain to the concrete subsequent to the repair work was discussed. The Board had a number of questions on this such as whether it would it need a sealer and how long the stain could be expected to last. More questions about staining will be investigated by Alan Blair, together with costs, limits on durability etc. It was suggested that the deck be left in the natural cement color and a "tan" ("beige") color selected for the grout lines and expansion joints. This could then be matched with a similar colored stain on the whole deck if the decision is made to proceed with this.
Alan Blair also reported that he had removed the white calcium deposits with a strong cleaner. A-Beautiful Pools had tried with some type of acid and was unsuccessful.
C. Energy Provider
Dave Ellis asked the Board to make a decision on the electrical provider. Even though Reliant Energy has received permission to lower rates, they have indicated to us in writing that no reduction can be expected until into 2005. With a $3,000/year saving at hand, the Board decided to authorize a switch to Direct Energy if they can still offer the price they tendered last November. Dave. Ellis will contact Direct Energy to obtain a revised quotation.
D. Record Storage
The Board nailed down flooring in the attic of the clubhouse for the storage of the Association's records to remove the cost for the storage of this material off site. The records have now been relocated. It was decided to purchase plastic containers to replace the cardboard boxes to ensure that there would be no undue deterioration of these records during their retention period.
E. Men's Restroom
Alan Blair was authorized to obtain quotations for the repair of the wall in the men's restroom and other areas.
F. Financial State
Delinquencies of Maintenance Fees are higher than last year. Dave. Ellis was asked to put a notice in the Newsletter and on the web site advising residents with payment difficulties to contact PCMI so that due consideration to their circumstances can be given prior to initiating any legal action to collect on the delinquent accounts.
The allocation of funds between the checking and money market accounts was discussed. It was agreed that to maximize interest the amount in the non-interest-bearing checking account would be reduced to that required for in the order of two to three month's expenditures. Sue Dean Smith took the action to make any adjustments necessary.
It was also agreed that the issue of Reserve Fund requirements to cover future capital expenditures be revisited to ensure the ongoing long-term financial integrity of the subdivision finances. Sue Dean Smith took the action to initiate this effort.
G. Pool Tag Distribution
Swim team sign-up and Pool Tag distribution will be held on the following dates.
April 17
10.00 am - 2.00 pm
April 25
1.00 pm 4.00 pm.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6.45 p.m.