Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community
A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.  


Directors in attendance were Dave Ellis, Don McClelland Linda Moore, Walter Smith and Floyd Ball. One homeowner and his family were also present. 

A quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Don McClelland, Vice President.


The special meeting was called to provide an opportunity for residents to learn of the recommendations of the subcommittee charged with the evaluation of a replacement for the recreation area children’s playground equipment and for the Board to evaluate and approve these recommendations.


Floyd Ball, who took over responsibility for this project from Lance Gordon at the November 18 Board meeting, presented the subcommittee’s recommendations.

He began by explaining that the current deteriorated condition of the existing equipment is such that it could pose a danger to the children who are using it. This leaves the Board with two options: removing the playground equipment and returning the area to grass, or replacing the equipment. This was discussed at the March 16, 2010 meeting at which the Board voted to have the subcommittee proceed with the replacement option and the 2010 Reserve Study was updated to provide for the capital expenditure for this item in 2011.

Initially, bids were solicited from Kraftsman Playground and Park Equipment, All Play Inc, and Adventure Playground Systems. Based on the offerings of these companies, it was decided to proceed with Adventure Playground Systems, which over the next few months provided to the subcommittee a number of different configurations for its evaluation.

As a result of this work the subcommittee arrived at the recommendation presented at the meeting. It consists of the configuration of equipment model APS 118ADA-00. The surface chosen will consist of 12 inches of “Kiddie Cushion” hardwood mulch which will be contained by a Freeform Surfacing Box Enclosure. This meets all the standards of the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Additionally the existing deteriorated swing set will be replaced by a two bay Sampson Swing Set with two belt seats and two Baby Buckets. To be in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act the playground will be fitted with a ramp into the playground area from the existing concrete pathway to make the area wheelchair accessible.

The price before tax for the selected configuration is $33,578.00, plus an additional $212.00 to extend the mulch into an area that would have been inaccessible to landscapers who cut the grass. This brings the total cost (including Sales Tax) to $36,577.68 and requires an initial deposit of $18,900.00 to secure the price prior to an increase that would take effect in 2011.  A motion to approve the award of a contract to Adventure Playground Systems for this amount for the selected configuration was proposed, seconded and unanimously approved.

With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.