A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, August 16, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.
Board Members present were Walter Smith, Martin Spears, Larry Crain, Floyd Ball, Dave Ellis, Cyndy Thompson and Don McClelland. Also in attendance was Dolores Sue representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI) and Officer Paul Wilburn.
With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.
The Board reviewed the minutes of the July 17, 2011 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Walter Smith seconded by Cyndy Thompson and unanimously approved.
There were two (2) homeowners present.
A homeowner expressed to the Board what a great job the off-duty officers are doing in the subdivision.
This same homeowner wanted to know if there are cameras at the entrances. The Board informed him that the initial camera installation monitors the recreational center. In due course this installation could be expanded to also include the entrances. Businesses just outside one of our entrances (Earl of Dunmore) do have cameras that monitor activity at that entrance.
Martin Spears presented the patrol service report. He expressed his satisfaction of the service being provided.
Dave Ellis presented the financials. As of July 31, 2011 the money in the bank totaled $535,524.93. This includes checking, savings accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets.
Delinquency for the month ending July 31, 2011 totaled $49,124.57.
Status of Pool Fence and Perimeter Fence Repair
Floyd Ball reported that the pool fence repair and the perimeter fence work that was approved at the June meeting have been completed. The Work came in $400.00 under budget.
New Security Signs
Floyd Ball reported that the security signs have been posted at all five (5) entrances. Four of these entrances also have “No fireworks” signs.
Basketball Stencil
Floyd Ball reported that the stencil has been purchased. Re-striping of the basketball court using this stencil will be deferred until cooler weather at which time the paint will be purchased and volunteers will be sought to complete this task.
Possible Dead Tree/ Branches need Trimming
Larry Crain will inspect the tree at the recreational center to confirm that it is completely dead, and if so will arrange for its removal.
Clubhouse Cleaning
Dave Ellis reported the all of the clubhouse carpet and the kitchen (including the oven) has been thoroughly cleaned as was approved at the July meeting.
Walter Smith stated that he will donate a vacuum cleaner to the clubhouse. The Board thanked him.
Cul-de-sac Watering
Floyd Ball reported that the quote he received to install water meters at each cul-de-sac was $900.00 per cul-de-sac. When this is added to the cost of installing a sprinkler system at each the total cost of the project would be prohibitive. Larry Crain reported that on the Barraud Ct cul-de-sac and a few others when the weather cools the Board will need to address trimming and possibly removing some of the pittosporum. Larry Crain will work with the landscape contractor in the fall.
It was noted that neighbors are watering some of the cul-de-sacs and that is really making a difference. The Board expressed its appreciation to these public spirited residents.
Perimeter Fence
Cyndy Thompson presented the perimeter fence subcommittee’s report and recommendations. A motion to accept the plan for routine maintenance and ultimate replacement of the perimeter fence was made by Walter Smith, seconded by Larry Crain and unanimously carried.
Pool Replastering in Off Season
Dave Ellis reported that during a recent swimming session in the adult pool he took the opportunity to note the areas that are being cited as reason for re-plastering this fall. He expressed his view that the damage is not extensive and this project could be delayed a couple of years if necessary. However, there is a new regulation that requires modifications to the drains and if the pool has to be emptied to complete this work then this might be reason to re-plaster at the same time. Larry Crain made the excellent point that before such work is scheduled the availability of such a large amount of water during these drought conditions needs to be carefully evaluated. The Board unanimously agreed the baby pool does need replastering. Martin Spears will obtain cost estimates for the plastering of the baby and large pools plus some work required on the pool deck so that the Board can consider these during the September budget meeting.
Reserve Update
Dave Ellis reported that completion of the 2011 update to the Reserve Study is on hold pending receipt of the insurance appraisal which has not been received as of the meeting. Dave Ellis and Floyd Ball will work together on this when the appraisal is received. One significant change this time will be to fold in the incremental funding of the perimeter fence as its treatment will have to differ from the funding all other amenities which are replaced in their entirety at the end of their respective lives.
Budget 2012
Floyd Ball reminded the Board to obtain costs for projects that they would like to have performed in 2012. The Board was asked to present those numbers to PCMI the first week in September so they can be included in the draft budget that will be the starting point for the 2012 budget deliberations.
Basketball Goal Lighting
Dave Ellis reminded the Board the two lamps on the east side of the Basketball Goal have not been functioning in several years. The previous Board felt that improved lighting might just encourage more vandalism. Now that that a new basketball goal has been installed and the court will soon be restriped, coupled with the fact that the court is now under camera surveillance, maybe it is time to re-commission these two lamps. To this end he informed the Board that he has requested quotes from two electrical contractors and received a response from one, Wendt Electric, which would provide a new supply for these two lamps, plus the existing lamp behind the storage shed, for a price of $2,627.00. The two re-commissioned lamps would be activated via a 2 hour timer similar to those in use on the tennis courts. All lamps would be switched off at 10:15 PM. A motion to accept this bid was made by Martin Spears, seconded by Cyndy Thompson and unanimously passed.
Possible Ticketing of Parked Vehicles
Martin Spears informed the Board that the Sheriff’s department will shortly begin ticketing vehicles that are parked in the wrong direction, near fire hydrants, stop signs and right of ways. They have agreed to allow the Board a short time to inform the residents prior to the beginning of issuing these citations. Martin will draft a warning to the residents for Dave Ellis to post on the website and to send out to the email distribution list.
Larry Crain will obtain the information from PCMI on the flags and new ones will be ordered.
Community Socials
Martin Spears explained he wants to have a movie night with a picnic on the lawn. The Board felt this was a good idea.
At 6:30 p.m. the Board thanked the residents for attending and adjourned to executive session to discuss Delinquencies, Deed restriction matters and contracts.
The Board reviewed the delinquent report and disposition of same. There are two accounts due for foreclosure on September 6, 2011. A motion was made by Larry Crain, seconded by Cyndy Thompson and unanimously approved that should any special instructions be needed on the foreclosure that Walter Smith, Floyd Ball and Dave Ellis will make those decisions without convening a special meeting.
Deed Restriction Violations
Deed Restrictions were discussed at this time.
Patrol Arrangements for 2012
The Board expressed their satisfaction with the patrol service currently being provided by the off-duty Sheriff’s officers coordinated by Officer Paul Wilburn and unanimously decided to continue that contract through 2012.
There was some discussion of the number of patrol hours each month and Martin Spears will provide some recommendations for the Board’s consideration at the September budget meeting.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. The next meeting will be the closed budget meeting to be held at the offices of PCMI on September 20, 2011 at 5:30 p.m..