A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.
Directors in attendance were Linda Moore, Don McClelland, Cliff Johnson, Dave Ellis, Lance Gordon and Mark Molsberry. Also in attendance, representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI), was Dolores Sue.
A quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.
The Board reviewed the minutes of the July 20, 2009 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes was made, seconded and unanimously approved.
There was one homeowner present
Linda Moore, constable liaison, presented the constable report. Deputy Sloan also attended this portion of the meeting. The Board was made aware that as of September 1, 2009 it is illegal to be on a cell phone while driving in a designated school zone. Tickets will be issued for violators.
Dave Ellis presented the financials as of July 31, 2009. The money in the bank totaled $437,370.58. This includes checking, money market accounts and CD’s and is the money to cover both operating expenses and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Association’s capital assets.
Dave Ellis reported that a reserve CD matured on August 4, 2009 and he would advise the Board to open another one for either a twelve or thirteen month period in the amount of $50,000.00. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to purchase the new CD and to allow Dave to decide on the maturity based on the interest rates available and the effect of using a twelve month or thirteen month maturity on the existing CD ladder. As the ICON Bank has rates that are more than double those being offered by our previous supplier of CDs, it was agreed that the new CD would be obtained from this bank.
As of July 31, 2009 delinquencies totaled $28,454.35. For the month of July the amount collected was $5,018.09. Trash has been terminated to all delinquent owners
Graffiti Shield – Mark Molsberry updated the Board that due to the extreme heat he will delay the purchase and installation of the graffiti shield to September or October. The Board discussed the graffiti on the Gatwick entrance monument and on a homeowner’s fence. Mark will try to remove the graffiti on the monument sign using paint remover. If that is not successful, Mark will contact PCMI and a contractor will be engaged to do the work. Lance Gordon will speak to the owner of the home which has graffiti on the fence.
Car Park and Hoyt Tree Trimming – Lance Gordon reported the trees have been trimmed.
Dead Tree Removal at Carters Grove – The Board reviewed the two additional proposals for removing th the dead tree at Carters Grove. The Board unanimously selected JMA Tree Service for a cost of $485.00.
Dead Tree at Recreational Facility – The Board unanimously agreed that Mark Molsberry will contact JMA tree removal service and have them remove the dead pine tree at the recreational facility with a total cost for both tree removals not to exceed $950.00.
Playground Equipment Committee Report – Cliff Johnson reported the committee has a final contractor they will be recommending, Adventure Play Structures. The committee believes the entire project should be between $30,000.00 and $35,000.00. The committee will e-mail the Board the final proposal and have a recommendation for the September meeting.
Reserve Study – The Board discussed all the possible reserve expenses. It was determined that the amount which should be put in the reserves will be decided at the September budget meeting.
Pool Rule Notice Update – Dave Ellis presented possible changes to the pool rule notice. The Board requested PCMI obtain wording from other pool signs and the Board will review and make a decision at their October meeting.
Municipal Utility District Number 61 (MUD#61) Meeting Report – Dave Ellis reported that one of the items discussed at the meeting was to fill a vacancy on the Board. Anyone who owns a home in Section 1 or 2 and is interested in filling the vacancy is requested to attend the next MUD#61 meeting which will be held on September 8 at the offices of the District’s attorney at 3700 Buffalo Speedway. At this meeting they will be requested to present their credentials. Dave Ellis will send out an email with details as soon as he receives instructions from Vice President Joe Ornowski.
The April 28 flooding situation was again discussed in some detail. Jim Ainsworth, the MUD’s engineering consultant provided an updated report and cost estimates for various modifications to reduce the problem from future heavy storms. In summary, it would cost 1.94 million dollars to meet the 100-year flood criteria for Section 1 and 2.77 million for Section 2. As these costs are very high, an initial fix for the homes most severely flooded at the SE corner of the subdivision could be implemented initially. This portion would cost $705,000. Changing the drain covers to grates which would allow water to drain more rapidly has been evaluated but the model shows that this would not affect the height of the flood water, only the length of time for it to drain. Other possible modifications were costed and are included in the article on this subject on the Notices page of the web site www.wsmaonline.org.
There will be a special meeting of the MUD#61 Board on August 19, 2009 to analyze all the options presented to and select a possible way forward, following which the Board will open discussions with Harris County to ascertain if they will be willing to pay for a portion of the proposed modifications. If the County will not pay then the cost would fall back onto the MUD district which would have to pass it on to the residents in higher water rates. When it has decided on a viable way forward the MUD Board will convene a follow-up meeting at our clubhouse to present its recommendations and to give the residents a voice in what action, if any, should be taken.
Directory Update – Dave Ellis reported there have been seventy seven (77) changes to the directory since April 2008. The Board discussed placing the directory online but the consensus of the Board is that for privacy reason that would not be a good idea. It was decided that updating the directory every three (3) years instead of every four (4) years is a sound decision based on costs and changes of residents.
Lost and Found Policy – The Board unanimously agreed the policy for lost and found will be the pool company will hold everything in a box until the end of swim season at which time Dave Ellis will post on the web site what items have been left to give residents the opportunity to claim them within a certain period. Any items not claimed within this period will be disposed of.
Crime Watch – Dave Ellis presented information on a possible approach to forming a crime watch committee. The Board unanimously agreed to place the information on the web site and give homeowners a chance to volunteer to lead and serve on such a committee.
Rain Sensor for sprinklers – The Board reviewed a proposal from IMS landscaping to install rain sensors on all five (5) controllers. The Board tabled this issue.
At this time the Board adjourned to executive session to discuss delinquencies and deed restriction matters.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. The next meeting will be the budget meeting held at Planned Community Management Offices.