Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449.


Directors in Attendance were Dave Ellis, Alan Blair, Richard Erbert, Don McClelland, and Stefanie Falk. Also in attendance was Dolores Sue representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI) and Officer Nate Thomas of the Constable department.

A quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m.


There was one homeowner present. This resident was concerned about the parking on her cul-de-sac. She noted that it was extremely difficult for the bus to get around the cul-de-sac because of the parked cars. Mr. Blair stated he would be glad to send a friendly letter to the residents asking they park in such a manner that will allow the bus to make its turn-around.


The Board reviewed the July 20, 2004 minutes. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to accept the minutes as written.


The security coordinator presented the Security Report for the month of August.


The Board reviewed the financials for the month of July 2004. The total delinquency was $22,971.39 and the money in the bank was $292,016.74. This includes checking and money market accounts and is the money to cover both operating expenses for the year 2004 and the necessary reserve to fund maintenance and replacement of the Associations' capital assets. 


Pool Renovations  - Mr. Blair reported the Deco-Seal project around the pool was completed August 16, 2004.

Door Update  - Mr. Blair reported that he had obtained two bids which include converting the area where the coke machine was previously located into a closet. The Board decided to table this issue until a later date.

Miscellaneous Proposal  - There was a price on one of the quotes to adjust the tennis court gate, to install foam filler where pipes enter the pump room, rework the trash gate and reset a new post and to adjust the storage room door. The Board instructed PCMI to contact the contractor and find out what the miscellaneous items only would cost and report that cost back to Mr. Blair.

Electrical Rebate Update  - PCMI stated that the Comptrollers Office has been in contact with them and they have mailed a new check.

Tree Trimming on Colonial Parkway  - It was reported that the County has trimmed the trees off the street and at this time the Board decided to table this issue.

Clubhouse Drainage  - Mr. Erbert reported the additional drainage at the clubhouse has been installed and that they have done a good job.   

Advantage Electric  - Mr. Blair reported that he is in receipt of the contract for Advantage Electric to charge $48.00 per hour for a journeyman and $25.00 per hour for an apprentice.  All service calls will be a two (2) hour minimum, and material is cost plus fifteen percent (15%) overhead and ten percent (10%) profit. 

Keys  - Mr. Ellis presented the key chart indicating individuals in possession of keys.  Mr. Ellis will be the liaison between the Association and B and B Locksmith and as such, no one else should call B and B without Dave Ellis' approval. 


Contractors Insurance  - The Board had reviewed a recently published article about the importance of contractors having liability insurance. Also a note from the Association's attorney, on the very same issue, was read.

Tennis Court Resurfacing  - The Board reviewed a proposal for resurfacing the tennis courts. Mr. Blair reported that he has spoken to some of the ladies playing tennis as well as to a resident who is tennis pro and they all felt that the courts were in good shape.  Therefore, since the money is not in the budget and the individuals using the courts feel they are in good shape this issue was tabled.

Board/Association Procedures  - Mr. Ellis had prepared a letter and procedures for the Board.  This issue was tabled.

Light Poles at Tennis Court  - Mr. Blair reported he felt the light poles needed painting and he would like to replace the old light fixtures at the tennis court with new ones. 


With no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.