Williamsburg Settlement
the prestigious Katy community
The Annual Meeting of Members of Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 at 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449 at 7:00 p.m.

Directors in attendance were Sue Dean Smith, Jacque Harris, Don McClelland, Alan Blair and Stephanie Falk. Also in attendance representing Planned Community Management Inc. were Dolores Sue, Linda Frey and Melissa Tucker and Jeff Messock the association attorney.

A quorum was qualified by representation in person and/or by proxy of 236.

The Board President served as chairperson and called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.
She introduced the Board of Directors, Planned Community Management staff and association attorney.

The first item on the agenda was the election of two (2) Directors to the Board. There were two (2) names on the ballot: Jacque Harris and Richard Erbert. The floor was opened for nominations. There were no nominations from the floor, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to close nominations from the floor and call for the vote. A motion was made to accept the two residents running by acclamation, it was unanimously agreed. Therefore the new directors were Jacque Harris and Richard Erbert, terms to expire 2007.  

The next item on the agenda was a review of the Association financials. The financial report was presented for 2003 budget and 2003 actual and the 2004 budget. There were questions and answers on the financials. A vote is required annually to roll over the excess income if any, for the benefit of IRS rulings. Upon a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously approved by the Members, it was:

RESOLVED, that any excess assessments for the taxable year 2004, that
are over and above the actual expenses paid or incurred for said year, shall
be applied to the following year's assessments for operating expenses.

Mrs. Jacque Harris, the security coordinator for the association introduced the Constables for the association, Thomas, Stovall and Katrib who were introduced to the membership.

A resident thanked the Board for all their hard work.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.